Ch. 8: Unanswered Questions

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-----Shinobu's POV-----

I willed myself not to cancel my own hearing as I walked down the familiar halls of UA, sucking on a cherry flavored cough drop to try and soothe my sore throat from practicing with my quirk so much the day before. It was only 730am which meant I was 30 minutes early. I had snuck out while Hizashi-nii had been doing his hair for the day, so that I could try and calm down and handle the whole thing by myself. Depending on him and Shouta to feel safe would not do me any good.

That was all a good idea in theory until I realized I had no freaking clue where the teacher's lounge was, and I ended up lost. It was 750am now, and I had a meeting in the teacher's lounge at 8am. Ughhhhh!!! Good job, Shinobu! This is what you get for trying to prove you could handle something without them. What kind of pro hero gets lost in the same school they graduated from? This is embarrassing! My thoughts were interrupted as I ran smack into a firm back and landed on my ass, letting out a quiet sigh of frustration and embarrassment as I looked up to see a large, slightly tanned hand reaching out to help me up.

The man in front of me had on in a red and black skin tight hero suit with a deep v revealing a very muscular chest as well as a concerned expression shown in his red eyes and frown that revealed two sharp teeth that stuck out of closed lips. He looked at my hero costume curiously before commenting.

"Students don't have permission to wear anything other than the uniform except for during hero training," he stated gruffly, "Now whose class are you supposed to be in right now?" He thinks I'm a student??? Come on! I don't look that young! I gave him a small glare and opened my mouth to speak, my voice clear after resting it the night before.

"I'm not a student. I'm the new TA," I answered as I hesitantly took his hand, and he helped me up, his red eyes widened in surprise.

"I didn't hear anything about a new TA. Who are you a TA for?" he accused. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I should've just come with Nii-san or asked to walk with Shouta.

"She's my TA, Vlad. Back off."

Speak of the handsome devil, and he shall appear.

"Why the hell do you need a TA, Aizawa? You expelled your whole class this year!" the man I now knew to be Vlad asked Shouta, clearly irritated. I looked at Shouta who was in his full hero costume, that while simple, really suited him, and I fought back a blush as his onyx eyes met mine.

"She's training to be a TA for the whole school. As for why she's with me, she has a quirk that she struggles to control at times, so Nezu thought it would be the best option," Shouta responded plainly as he walked up beside me. The two stared at each other for several moments before I cleared my throat slightly to get their attention, earning a momentarily surprised expression from Shouta at my assertiveness in a social situation that should have me running for the hills.

"Sorry for the confusion, Vlad-san. My name is Yamada Shinobu or you can call me by my hero name Muffle. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to working with you," I greeted respectfully, unable to stop myself from signing nervously as I did so while giving a bow before nervously meeting the large man's eyes momentarily before feeling intimidated and looking away.

"Hmph... Don't worry about it. Sorry for not believing you. And the name's Kan Seikijirou. My hero name is Vlad King," the man responded, his gruff voice much warmer than before as he gave me a small smile I saw out of the corner of my eye. I nodded before turning to Shouta who was looking at me, his expression unreadable.

"Good morning, Shouta," I greeted with a small smile. He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Morning. How's your wrist feeling?" he asked, looking at my still wrapped wrist, "You should have Recovery Girl heal that after the meeting." I shrugged before my eyes widened when I realized...

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