Ch. 19: Jealousy

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-----Shinobu's POV-----

The next morning, I woke up to my arms wrapped around my waist and my back pressed up against Shouta's muscular chest. Trying my best not to wake him, I began to slowly unwrap his arms from around me, but as soon as I got one off, he wrapped it right back around me and pulled me even closer to him.

"5 more minutes," his low voice husky from sleep as he murmured into my shoulder, his stubbly facial hair tickling me, earning a quiet giggle from me.

"We have work today, Shouta," I reminded him earning a groan as he moved to look at the clock on the night stand before burying his face into my neck.

"It's only 6:30, Nobu, and we don't have a class this semester," he argued, his hot breath hitting my neck and making me giggle yet again as I rolled my eyes at him. Realizing that he wasn't going to budge on his own, I quickly activated my quirk, cancelling both his sight and sense of touch before pushing his arms off of me and rolling out of the bed before deactivating my quirk.

"That's not fair," he groaned before rolling on his stomach and going back to sleep. Stifling a laugh at his childish behavior, I checked my phone to see that I had a text from Hizashi-nii. I was afraid to read it, but I was feeling a lot more calm about everything after the night of cuddling and sleeping next to Shouta. Also, something about officially being in a relationship with him put me a little bit at ease. Looking at the message, I smiled a bit.

Zashi-Nii: Hey, Nobu-chan, I know you probably hate me right now, but I wanted to apologize and tell you that I dropped some of your clothes off in front of Shouta's place. I'll also be coming to drop off Kuro later today. Sent 6:05AM

Excited to have my own clothes again, I ran quietly to the front door, and sure enough, there was my lavender dufflebag and my silver backpack sitting right outside the door. I quickly grabbed them before closing and locking the door. Going back to the restroom, I opened the bags to find a couple of sets of clothes, including underwear, my migraine medicine, my anxiety medicine, and a couple of pairs of pajamas as well. Unfortunately, the clothes inside did not include the spare leggings I had for my hero costume so I had to go with something a bit different than my usual clothing for work.

After changing the bandages and cleaning my healing stab wound in my thigh, I settled on a pair of sheer black tights, and a long sleeved ice blue dress that was tight at the top but started flowing at the waist that reached to just a couple of inches above my knees. After putting on a pair of black ankle boots and my typical eyeliner and mascara, I was ready to go.

Looking in Shouta's fridge, I was not entirely happy with the lack of fresh food that would have been healthy for him to eat. Instead, I was met with mostly juice pouches, and I frowned as I began searching for something easy to make that we could eat as we walked to work. Fortunately, I came across some rice and shiozake (salted salmon) and settled on making rice balls for us. Not the most healthy option, but it would do for now.

After making the rice balls, I put some workout clothes in my silver backpack as well as my hero costume that I needed to get repaired. As I was doing that, I noticed that Hizashi-nii had also put a bag of my favorite candy, sour gummy worms, in my backpack, and I smiled to myself. I knew I had to forgive him, but I just couldn't figure out which memories were real or not and it was really taking its toll on my mind. So for now, I tucked that thought away.

Just as I finished getting ready to go and packing the rice balls to take with us, Shouta came out of the room, fully dressed in his hero costume, a tired expression on his face as I handed him a rice ball. He murmured a surprised thanks as we both walked out of the apartment and headed towards U.A.

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