Ch. 4: Strength Unseen

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-----Aizawa's POV-----

Since this year I had expelled my entire homeroom class on the first day, I had a bit more time on my hands than the other teachers at UA. As such, I was spending my extra time patrolling and subbing for other teachers when necessary; however, today was my day off, and since I had drank my last juice pouch last night while on patrol, I found myself having to make a grocery run; however, as I was getting ready to checkout, I was jarred by a loud scream that shook the building. The only time I had experienced shockwaves from a shout like that was from Hizashi using his quirk, but he was working today.

Preparing to use my capture weapon which I almost always carried on me in case of emergencies, I ran out of the store and used my capture weapon to get on top of a nearby roof. As I looked into one of the alleyways, I saw a girl with a gun pointed at a guy who had bleeding ears. Before she could shoot, I used my capture weapon to grab the man and hit him into the wall, effectively knocking him out. As I jumped down from the roof into the alleyway, I used my capture weapon to take the gun from the young woman in front of me. It was then that I noticed who it was as my gaze was met by a terrified set of vibrant chartreuse green eyes.

"SHINOBU?!" I yelled out in shock and to snap her out of what was sure to be an oncoming panic attack as I noticed her shirt had been cut open and that there was a long gash down her torso that was bleeding quite heavily though not enough to be immediately concerned. As Shinobu squeezed her eyes shut, I noticed blood starting to fall from her eyes. She must have overused her quirk. I took this moment to do a quick survey of our surroundings.

Including the man I had knocked out, I saw 7 men, a couple of them had knives and all of them were knocked out. Sending a quick text to the police with the information on where to find the men and the likely crime that took place, I slowly approached the now trembling silver haired woman in front of me. Since I didn't know whether her quirk had activated involuntarily or not, I reached up and gently gripped her chin to get her attention and to get her to look at me. The small smile on her face surprised me since I knew she had to be terrified. Being a hero didn't make one immune to fear in the face of something like what I assumed had occurred.

"What happened?" I asked, keeping my voice soft as I wiped away the blood that was trailing under her vibrant green eyes.

"Th-they attacked me and told me they wanted to--. I didn't know what to do. I was too scared to fight--- but they said--- targeting young girls--- I had to do something--- And they almost---" she couldn't get a complete thought out at this point as she seemed to have fully realized what almost happened now that the shock was starting to wear off a bit.

After giving her my jacket to cover herself, I made sure she was okay to walk to my apartment since it was nearby, and although she was clearly shaken up by what happened, she still managed to walk back to my apartment with me. When we reached my apartment, I asked her if she wanted to shower, telling her I had some clothes she could wear. She seemed a bit confused about that, but although I was a bit taller than her, I figured my clothes wouldn't completely swallow her, and it would be better than her being in bloody and destroyed clothes.

After making sure she was okay when I brought in the clothes and a towel to her, I went back into the living room to wait for her, keeping an ear out for if she called for help, not that I expected her to. Despite her quiet and shy demeanor, Shinobu had proven to be quite determined in her attempts to prove herself to be strong and independent.

After our patrol together, I had done some research on the silver-haired underground hero. Her previous mentor, Nightshade, was an underground hero who was not known to take on many sidekicks, and despite being top of her class in grades at UA during high school, she seemed to constantly struggle with finding an internship which I could only imagine was due to the nature of her quirk and her reluctance and lack of control regarding her voice quirk. All of this being said, her success rate for missions was a staggering 95% despite working almost entirely by herself. Other than that, there wasn't much else on her. My reflecting on all of this was interrupted when I heard the shower shut off and shortly after was almost startled by Shinobu's soft voice ringing out into my living room.

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