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2 years later. . .

Dark winter skies blanketed with grey clouds created an ominous atmosphere for the people in a small village below. Snow crunched beneath their feet, creating small footprints before being buried in another layer. The lights decorating the buildings were dim or completely out. It was less romantic and more unnerving for the couples that passed by. They clung to each other to avoid something that may be lurking in the darkest parts of their surroundings.

Wandering through the village in such a way was a woman wearing a long, velvet cape and black dress complete with black gloves and boots that went up slightly above the ankles. An undecorated building caught her eyes.

I wonder what's wrong with that shop, she thought to herself as she glided to the window.

She places her hands against the cold glass and taps with intrigue. What a lovely little dress shop.

The designs of the dresses, every tiny detail, and the care put into sewing each one intrigued her. There was a compassionate, perhaps gullible person behind these creations. Perfect.

"Hello?" a woman calls from inside the shop.

The woman outside snaps out of her trance and looks through the window. The woman inside was charming. Her brown hair reached down to the small of her back in waves, her eyes glimmered like the sea on a summer's night through her red-rimmed glasses, her skin was smooth as polished marble, and her face was that of a noble princess.

This beautiful creature was Lovely Fortun. She had grown into a much lovelier woman over the last few years due to her resilience to grief. The strength of her heart shone through her appearance and even drew the attention of most of the residents in town. She hasn't paid attention to it as she hated being the center of attention. She gazes at the woman outside with pure, but cautious curiosity.

"Hello," the woman outside sighed. "What's a beautiful creature like you doing awake at this hour?"

"I'm just closing up the shop, miss," Lovely says softly. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The woman's breath begins to shake, feeling smitten at the thought of being alone with such a pretty lass. "I'm cold. Could you please let me in to warm by the fire? A hot drink would be nice, too, if you don't mind."

Lovely subtly places a hand on the handle of her gun which was hidden under her nightgown and strapped to her thigh in case of emergencies while in a vulnerable position.

"I'm sorry, miss," she says. "I don't feel comfortable inviting strangers into my home."

"Right..." the woman casts her eyes to the ground. "With the vamp attacks and everything." She looks up at Lovely. "I understand why you would be cautious."

"Two of them killed my husband two years ago. It's rough for me this time of year, especially since his death occurred on Christmas. I wouldn't want to give you any trouble with my bitterness about that day."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. I feel bitterness about that day as well. Vampires are awful creatures." She softly taps on the glass. "I can't imagine losing someone to one or many of them. You must be in such a strong state of sadness."

"Not as much. I've gotten used to the place being quiet without him."

"I see." The woman smiled warmly and gently swayed from side to side, trying to entice her acquaintance. "It doesn't hurt to keep one company, does it?"

Lovely smiles, draws out her gun, and aims it at the window. The woman freezes in place and gasps.

"Nice try, you heathen," Lovely says in an unsettlingly calm tone. "I'm not a fool."

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