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Luffy looks back at the door, curled up in a ball facing the corner, as gentle candlelight streams into the room. The dark silhouette of Lovely casts a shadow over his body like a blanket. His eyes traveled from the floor to her face. She wasn't wearing her glasses as she usually did. And instead of holding a gun by her side, she gripped the handle of a sword. His heart sped up, not expecting her to look so different from her usual appearance. 

"Come outside," she says. Even though her voice was calm, he knew her statement was an order. He stood up from the ground as she raised her sword in front of her. "If you try anything, I'll send you to Hell."

He nods and slowly walks out of the room. Lovely didn't take her eyes off him nor put down her arm to rest it. She nudged her head to the kitchen.

"Walk to the kitchen," she says. She turns her attention to Usopp and Chopper. "Lead him there."

He steals a moment to study her face before he's escorted into the kitchen. 

Chopper stands beside Lovely, gripping the hammer tighter than before. Usopp walks beside Luffy, his shoulders tense. Both of them didn't know what to expect from Lovely's conversation. They tried to deny that Luffy was brought back to life as a creature that would have killed them if he could. But how could they when he wasn't attacking them?

Lovely points at a chair beside a fireplace. "Sit."

Luffy quickly sat in the chair, placing his hands on his lap.

"No, place your hands on the arms."

When he did, Usopp and Chopper ran to him, tying his wrists and ankles to the chair. 

"Hey!" Luffy exclaims. "Why am I being tied up?!"

Lovely sat on a table facing him and placed her sword at her side. "So you won't attack us or try to escape if we ask you a question."

He pouts like a child and turns his head to face the door. "I didn't want to go out there anyway. It's cold."

Lovely crossed her arms and waited until he looked up at her to speak. "What is your real name?"

"It's Luffy."

Lovely takes a breath, calming herself from the rising sorrow in her body. 

"If you don't believe me, I can show you where I was buried!"

"That can wait!" Lovely holds up a hand, moving on to the next question. "Who sent you here?"


"Who is he?"

Luffy shifts uncomfortably in the chair. "He's my brother."

Lovely's eyes widened. She couldn't speak. Her voice was caught in her throat. She recalled the day he was taken from her. That haunting statement echoed in her mind. 

"Why are you attacking us?!"

"To find our new brother, love."

It really is Luffy. Those horrible monsters have succeeded in their plan! Lovely shut her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Are you alright, Lovely?" Luffy asks, noticing her stressed mood.

Usopp puts a hand on her shoulder and hands her a cloth. She let some tears fall and quickly wiped them away, returning to the conversation.

"Why did he send you here?" she asks. 

Luffy stays silent.

"Why?!" Lovely exclaims, raising her voice.

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