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Lovely's hands glide back and forth as she sews together the ruined dress. Based on its condition, it required refurbishment with new fabric and lace adornments. She stitches every nook, cranny, hole, and tear. In the middle of her work, her eyes dropped slowly until they closed. Her body leans forward on the sewing table until she accidentally pricks her finger on a needle.

"Ouch!" she exclaims, jolting awake and rubbing her finger on her skirt. "Oh..." She yawns and stretches her arms. "That was a bad idea."

"Lovely, are you alright?!" Chopper exclaims, rushing into the room. "I heard you shout!"

"I'm fine," Lovely chuckles. "I pricked myself. It happens from time to time. I just need to wash it off."

She stands from her seat and walks to the door. Chopper follows behind her, watching her ascend the stairs to the bathroom.

"Usopp and I can run the shop for you," he says. "You've stayed up interrogating him, and it would be best if you rest for the day. I mean, you should see the circles under your eyes."

Lovely chuckles and nearly trips down the stairs, slumping to the ground. Chopper exclaims and runs to her. He tries his best to help carry her to her bedroom. He grunts, heaving her up the stairs and onto her bed. Lovely turns to face away from the window and shield her face from the sun as Chopper covers her with a blanket. He brushes a piece of hair from her face with a finger.

"Sleep well, Lovely," he says.

She smiles softly as she shuts her eyes and falls asleep.


Chopper shuts the door and heads back downstairs to meet with Usopp and help Lovely with her unfinished work. He may not be good at sewing, but he would try his best if it meant Lovely would get her rest. Lovely's counting on me! he thought. I can't let her down!

In the guest room, Luffy pressed his ear against the door, listening for Chopper to walk down the stairs. He stood up and slightly cracked it open. Voices of the people below suddenly flood the room. Startled, Luffy steps back several paces, pressing his hands against his ears. He huffs with irritation. Why are humans so loud? They'll wake up Lovely!

He suddenly has an idea. Looking around the room, he finds a black cloak and drapes it over himself. He takes quick, quiet steps to Lovely's room, careful not to alert anyone downstairs. As he was about to reach the door, he saw a burgundy skirt twirling, followed by a voice crying out with joy and awe. He quickens his pace.

I can't let them see me!!

He stops himself before he hits his arm against the door to the bedroom. He turns the knob to the room and slowly walks in, quietly closing the door behind him. He inched towards Lovely's sleeping form. Sunlight hovered above her lashes, cutting across her face like a knife. Her skin glowed, accentuating its warm tone. But he thought she was more beautiful under the soft glow of candlelight. He looks out the window beside her bed.

I should take her to Sabo while I still can, he said to himself. She's asleep. All I have to do is jump out this window. His chest suddenly ached, and his head throbbed. He shook his head. No! I can't do that! She told me to stay here! She'll go to Sabo when she's ready! He raised a brow. Wait! No, she won't! She's a hunter! She's not going to give herself up that simply!

A breathy noise brings his attention to her. Her breath trembled as she hugged the blankets close to her. He gasps.

She's cold!

He quickly took the other side of the bed, lay beside her, and wrapped the blankets around himself. He scoots close to her and wraps his arms around her waist. She stirs in her sleep, placing a hand atop his. He froze. He didn't know what to do in a situation like this. Here he was, holding his unknown wife while she slept, keeping her warm. He was not prepared for what would happen next.

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