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Kaya's staff was called back to the mansion that afternoon. Everyone sighed. The vampire problem was taken care of, Kaya would be safe, and no more staff members would be found dead in the halls the next day. 

The wounds Klahadore made on Kaya's neck have disappeared as if they never existed, but Kaya was still weak as she lost a significant amount of blood from his attack the night before. Merry suggested a blood transfusion to help Kaya return to "higher spirits." Usopp volunteered with the help of a doctor. Usopp nearly passed out, watching the blood flow from his arm into Kaya's.

"Don't look at it," Kaya spoke after a while.

Her head was turned to the side, resting on the pillow. Usopp looked at her when she spoke. "Kaya! You're talking again! Are you feeling better?"

She nods. "My arm feels strange."

"We're doing a transfusion, Miss Kaya," the doctor says. "You've lost a great amount of blood. Do you recall how that may have happened?"

Kaya sighs. "It's hard to explain what happened, doctor."

"It was an accident," Usopp says. "She was climbing a tree last night. Her foot got caught between two branches, and she fell. A large branch almost tore her back open on the way down."

The doctor hisses at the story. "Why would she want to climb a tree?"

Kaya plays along with the lie. "There was a kitten. The poor creature was crying for help. I hope I got it down before I fell."

"That darn thing got away, alright," Usopp grumbles.

"Thank goodness," Kaya giggles.

Usopp chuckles, too.

The doctor took the opportunity of distraction to remove the needle from Usopp's arm. He winced for a moment until the doctor applied an ointment to where the needle was and wrapped a bandage around it. He did the same with Kaya. 

"No physical activity for the rest of the day," the doctor says as he packs his medical bag.

"Alright, doc," Usopp nods. "Thanks."

He slowly walks to a couch in the room, using the wall to support himself. He lay on the settee. His head rested on a cushion, and his feet on the opposite arm. He sighed. 

"Are you feeling alright?" Kaya asks.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," Usopp says. "I should be fine after tomorrow."

"I wanted to thank you and your friends again for helping me and the staff," Kaya adjusts to being comfortable in bed.

"No problem," Usopp says, resting his eyes. "It feels good to help a friend. I never expected to rescue you from certain death while visiting."

"But you did. That was one of the bravest things you've done for me."

Usopp opens his eyes and sits up a bit to look at her. "You won't tell anyone, right? That Lovely and I are hunters? Or Luffy and Tama being vampires? We'd be in trouble if our boss discovered we revealed our identities to the mundane and sheltered vamps."

Kaya places her index and middle finger on the surface of her lips. "My lips are sealed."

A comfortable silence passed between them for a couple of moments before Kaya slowly sat up with her back propped against her pillow. The corners of her lips curl into a soft smile.

"I would be happy to share this home with Luffy and Tama," she says. "It's lonely without you or guests to visit me sometimes. They've shown me they could be good company. Great protection, too."

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