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"There are more of us here?" Tama asks with curious eyes, leaning forward.

Luffy nods. "Does it make you feel better to know there are more tame vampires like us around?"

Tama smiles and nods. Her smile briefly disappears for a moment. "But most vampires were turned much older than me. Isn't it hard to come across a young vampire around my age?"

"Yes, Tama," Luffy breathes. He looks at her and gently takes her hand. "The vampires may not be around your age, but they're very friendly. The vampire me, Usopp, and Chopper met, Brook? He invited all of us and Miss Kaya to one of his performances. I've found a friend for both of us. He's much older than you and I combined, but I'm sure we'll get along much fine."

Tama gives a small smile, placing her free hand atop his. "I'm so glad you found a friend for us. Perhaps I will like it here."

Lovely lets out a small sigh at the warm exchange between brother and sister. It was as if Tama was the daughter Luffy always wanted. If only...Tama would be three years old if that were the case. Lovely watched with a warm smile as Tama was more reassured by her happy experiences in London. If there's one thing Lovely hoped for both of them, it would be a happy life living in London until it was time for them to move on.

"It's great that you found a friend, Luffy," Lovely says. "And you, too, Tama. You had a great time shopping with me today, right?"

Tama nods happily. "Mhm! Could we do it again tomorrow?"

Lovely raises a brow. "Don't you want to explore your new home first? You should be comfortable with your home before we see London again."

Tama's smile disappears. She sulks in her seat, crossing her arms. Lovely giggles at her childish reaction.

"Kaya lives in a pretty mansion," Lovely says. "You'll feel like a princess."

"But I don't want to be a princess!" Tama frowns. "I want to be a lady like you!"

Lovely blushed, quite flattered a young girl, much less a young vamp, wanted to be a lovely lady like her. While it wasn't possible anymore due to the state she was turned, Lovely silently admitted Tama would have made a fine young lady if she had any hope of growing older. 

"But you can't be a lady like Lovely," Luffy says. "I turned you when you were eight. You'll stay a little girl forever."

Tama huffs. "I wish I had died when I was Lovely's age. Then I would be a beautiful lady forever."

"Ah..." Lovely makes a quiet noise, partially appalled by the statement. "Tama! You shouldn't say such a thing!"

"I don't want to be a little kid forever!!" she exclaims. "I can't grow up, flirt with a nobleman, or get married!! I want to do all those things!!" She looks at Luffy and exclaims with a shrill voice. "Luffy~!! Why didn't you just let me die~?! I'd rather be dead than be stuck like this!!"

Luffy frowns, shielding his ears. "Because I'm not a monster, Tama. I'm not letting a child suffer in her final moments. A little gratitude would be nice."

"Gratitude, shma-titude!" Tama sticks out her tongue.

Luffy growls but stops after Lovely places a hand on his arm.

"Now, let's not fight like ninnies," Lovely says sternly. "You want to make a good impression on Kaya, right?"

Luffy and Tama look away from each other, frowning out opposite sides of the carriage windows. They each grumble a response, staying silent the whole ride to Kaya's mansion.


Usopp holds the reigns in one hand and places an elbow on his knee, resting his chin on his free hand. Driving a carriage for the past three days was starting to put a damper on his excitement to see his dear friend again. That was one of the things he hated about living farther away from Kaya. 

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