04 - 𝕸𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖙

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The Slytherin Prefect led the group of first years the long way around, then down the dark and damp dungeons.

She led them to a stretch of bare stone wall, it looked like every other stone wall.

"Now I'm only going to say this once so listen here, everyone!" The group settled and turned their attention to her. "The password is Parseltongue. You only have to say it clearly and-"

Behind her, a stone door con­cealed in the wall slid open.

Goyle's mouth hung open as the Prefect pushed the door in, she waved them inside and their group followed.

The Slytherin com­mon room was a long, low un­der­ground room with rough stone walls and ceil­ing from which round, green­ish lamps were hang­ing on chains. A fire was crack­ling un­der an elab­orate­ly carved man­tel­piece ahead of them, there were only a few Slytherins left in the common room.

"From here, you can get a front seat view of the Black Lake from beneath the surface." The Prefect said, gesturing to the large green windows.

"Er...is that safe?" Holly asked.

"Well it's held together for a thousand years, so i suppose it is." The Prefect shrugged. "And over here are your dormitories."

The Prefect led them to an intersection. "Girls to the left and boys to the right, do mind your step."

She pushed open the wooden door to reveal a long tunnel lit by torches on brackets, across the hall the tunnel to the boys dorm was almost identical.

"Find your assigned dorm room- just read the golden plaque that says First Year, your items should have already been brought down. And if you have any further questions, feel free to knock on my door-" She pointed all the way down the tunnel into darkness. "The one with the Fifth Year plaque."

Holly and Pansy clambered into their dorm room, followed by Daphne Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode.

It was dim like the common room, four dark mahogany four-poster beds with dark emerald curtain made up the room, a large silver carpet in the middle and to the back of the room are floor length green window panels - like the one in the common room. Except this one was frosted, only light and shadow figures can be seen floating outside.

"Go ahead and pick your beds, girls." Their Prefect said. Before closing the door, she added: "I'm just a few doors down if you need anything."

A few seconds after the Prefect left, Pansy jumped on a bed and patted the mattress.

"This one's a little firm," Pansy said.

"I'll trade you," Holly offered. "Mine's too soft, my spine is melting."

Holly pulled her trunk across the room, Pansy fluffed her pillows and leaped on the bed.

"Silk sheets," Daphne sighed and fell back on the bed.

Millicent placed her cat cage on the bed. "Is anyone allergic to cats?"

Holly looked around and shook her head. "No," the girls chorused.

Millicent opened the cage to let out her fluffy black cat. Millicent picked up her cat and showed it to the girls, "Her name is Bast and she's one year old."

Daphne gasped and strode across the room as Millicent's cat stretched on the bed. "She's so cute!"

"Come on, let's play a game!" Pansy suggested.

"Yeah!" Daphne agreed as she cuddled with Bast.

"Can I change first?" Millicent asked. "I'm covered in cat hair."


After all four girls have changed into their pyjamas and are ready for bed, they're all sitting on their beds facing each other.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson, pureblood, I like strawberries but I'm allergic to peanuts." Pansy said, she hugged her silk pillow and shrugged.

"All kinds of peanuts?" Millicent questioned.

Pansy nods.

"Even peanut butter?" Daphne asked.

"That's still peanut, Daph." Holly said.

"Merlin," Daphne blew a long breath. "I can't imagine a life without peanut butter."

"Why don't you go next, Daph." Holly suggested. Daphne nodded happily.

"Daphne Greengrass," she said merrily. "Also a pureblood. I have a sister, she's a year younger than us so she won't join us until next year. I'm obsessed with peanut butter, the only acceptable spread on my toast. We make them homemade, Mother doesn't like the muggle brands of peanut butter but she does like peanut butter."

"Ooh, can you teach me how to make homemade peanut butter?" Millicent asked, Daphne nods excitedly.

"I haven't mastered the recipe yet, but Mother is a great teacher. Maybe you can visit home over the summer."

"Okay, I'll go next." Millicent said after her and Daphne have exchanged home addresses. "Millicent Bulstrode, pureblood. I have two older brothers, but both have already graduated from Hogwarts. I've always wanted a cat of my own, my father owns a dozen of them. He got me Bast for my birthday, she was only a wee kitten then."

"Okay, now it's Holly's turn!" Pansy clapped.

Holly hugged her pillow tighter, then she blew a sharp breath.

"My name's Holly Black, I'm a halfblood...i think." Daphne and Millicent rose questioning brows, but neither asked. "I've lived with my aunt, uncle and cousin since I was a baby. I like reading, and surfing. My uncle taught me to surf when I was four, I've been surfing ever since. Oh, and I also love chocolate."

"I've always wanted to learn how to surf," Daphne mused.

"Any relations to the Noble House of Black, Holly?" Millicent asked.

Holly waved a hand and shrugged, "They're a distant relative I think."

Pansy rose a questioning brow at Holly, Holly widened her eyes and subtly nodded her head as if saying just go with it. Thankfully, she did.

"So how did the two of you meet?" Daphne asked curiously.

Holly and Pansy shared a look, then Holly laughed obnoxiously. "Funny story!"

authors note: just a short chapter to introduce the girls, this is where I go into head cannons. We don't know much about the three girls, so their personality is my own head cannon for the story but I am already loving their dynamic.


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