07 - 𝕹𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖍

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There were two things Holly hated about the winter season: one was the flu, nothing would suck more than being sick on Christmas morning. And two was Theo's unbothered clinginess, seriously, the boy could latch onto a wall like a leech sucking all its heat.

The October chill slowly turns to a cold November. Aunt Andromeda sent her a sweater- another addition to the pile she already has on.

It wasn't extremely cold, but ever since going back and forth between places with polar weathers, her senses became hypersensitive. It doesn't help when it's joined by anatomical changes.

But there was one positive outcome to the November flush: Quidditch! The season will officially start with the first match between Slytherin and Gryffindor, its all everyone's been talking about because apparently, Harry Potter was the new Gryffindor seeker.

So McGonagall hadn't punished him, she helped him. Holly didn't know how to feel about that.

A seventh year Slytherin said that McGonagall must be really desperate if she had to bend the rules just so some first years can get on the team. Her friends agreed when she relayed it back to them, they also shared their opinions on the situation. Holly has very opinionated friends, it keeps her mildly entertained at times.

At the present time, Holly was crawling the corridor for Millicent's cat Bast.

Since the weather changed, Bast starts to go missing frequently; hiding beside the fireplace, snuggling under the couch, and climbing up the closet.

So far, Millicent has managed to keep the cat inside the common room. But that morning, Millicent woke up their entire dorm as she scoured the common room.

To calm her down, their friends volunteered to search for the cat.

So here Holly is, crawling down the Defence corridor praying to the Gods that no one walks in the corridor and sees her.

Holly huffed and got to her feet after another failed search. She considered returning to their dorm and saying she couldn't find Bast, Millicent would probably thank her for her efforts but she had an idea that Pansy or Blaise already beat her to it.

Just as she was about to decide leaving, movement in her peripheral vision caught her eye. She caught a glimpse of something disappearing down the corner, a small four legged figure that could possibly be Mrs Norris or every other cat in the school, but it could also be Bast!

Holly ran down the hall, her boots echoing around the corridor but she was too focused to even bother. Sometimes her brain does that- go on hyperfocus, while most of the time she just couldn't focus at all.

Holly saw the shadows again down the dim lit hall, it was definitely a cat. Holly didn't know if it was the shadows, but the car was dark coloured, big and fluffy. Then it turned its head, she gave her that look - looking almost bored and annoyed of Holly's presence before she ran down the hall and disappeared out of sight.

Holly ran after bast, stumbling on the uneven floors and various stairs as she did so.

Just before Holly collapsed on the stairs- two months without any supervision led her to live a very unhealthy lifestyle, she saw Bast disappear through a door.

Holly made a running leap before the door could close, "Come here you fat bastard!" She gritted as she fell on the floor.

When she looked up, she felt like she just experienced all five stages of grief in the span of three seconds.

Because there sitting behind her desk, a quill suspended in the air as she raised one sharp eyebrow at Holly was Professor McGonagall. More importantly, curled at her feet was Bast looking so smug as if saying serves you right.

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