13 - 𝕲𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉𝖞

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What are they up to? Holly thought as she watched the troublesome trio from across the Great Hall, Ron and Harry had just come in for breakfast when Hermione ushered them back out.

That's not what ticked Holly off, it's been their behaviour for the past few weeks. Their behaviour towards Quirrell, more specifically. And maybe that's the reason she's kept a closer eye on the three, not just Harry obviously...

"Have you seen Theo?" Blaise's questions snapped Holly out of her thoughts, she wiped the milk dripping from her chin and turned to him.

"No," She replied curtly. Then realise that she hasn't seen Theo in a while, possibly since last Sunday evening which was a whole day ago. "Why?"

"Snape wants his essay handed in by the end of the day," Blaise took a seat next to Holly and grabbed a piece of toast. "Apparently, he missed the due date."

"Theo may be an incompetent prick, but he hasn't missed a single due date since school started."

"My thoughts exactly," Blaise nodded.

Just then, Draco strode in, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Morning," He said, taking a seat in front of them.

"Have you seen Theo?" Blaise asks as a way of greeting, Draco takes a big bite of pie and shakes his head. Crabbe and Goyle do the same.

"Looking for Theo?" Daphne asked as she walked up to them with Millicent and Pansy by her side.

"Yeah," Blaise replied. "Do you know where he is?"

"No," It was Pansy who replied as they took their seats. "We're looking for him too, he's missed Herbology and Charms today."

"Do we know if he's sick?" Millicent asked.

"I'm pretty sure we'd know if he was sick," Holly said.

Just then, a Slytherin a year their senior rushed up to their table. "Are you Theodore Nott's friends?" He asked breathlessly. They all nodded. "I need you to come with me."

The urgency in his voice prompted the eight to stand up and follow him, he led them up countless flights of stairs and down confusing corridors until they arrived at the Infirmary. That made them grow even more concerned.

"Maybe he is just sick," Millicent whispered, trying to defuse their worry.

It wasn't working.

As soon as the doors opened, they immediately zeroed in on the group huddled at the very back.

McGonagall broke away from the group, her face grim as she looked at the group of children. "There you are," she strode up to them and stopped them in the middle of the hall. "Thank you, Mister Fletcher. You may go." He nodded and left.

Then McGonagall turned to the rest of them, "I want you to take a deep breath first. Anyone who overreacts will immediately be sent out, do you understand?"

They hesitantly nodded, McGonagall waved for them to follow her. "His state is fragile, we don't know how long he's been unconscious and if there will be any significant damages to him mentally. But physically..."

The other teachers surrounding the bed parted to make way for the kids, Daphne gasped when they saw Theo's state.

"Do not fret Miss Greengrass," Snape said monotonously. He was standing next to Theo's bed, brewing some sort of potion right on the bedside table. "He'll live."

"What happened, professor?" Blaise asked as he walked up to the foot of Theo's bed.

Holly walked up to the front of the group, her heart dropping at the sight of Theo. She had walked in last, a feeling in her gut sinking deeper and deeper at the sight of him.

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