14 - 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

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When they got to the infirmary, Theo was already up and about. He was sitting on the bed, holding a hand to his stomach while Flitwick jotted down notes by his side.

"And you understand, Mister Nott," Flitwick was saying. "That you're saying that you were perfectly aware of the forbidden corridor when you decided to break the rules, right? And that this will not go without consequences."

"I understand, professor." Theo said.

"Alright then," Flitwick tucked his notepad away and stepped off the stool. "I'll leave you and your friends to it."

The children watched as the adults walked out of the room. They all crowded around Theo, and once the door slammed shut, they burst into loud chatter.

"We're glad you're alive, mate." Draco said.

"You have no idea how worried we were," Holly informed him.

Blaise patted Theo's foot, while Daphne gently hugged Theo by the neck. His face scrunched up, but he made an effort not to seem affected.

"You're an idiot." Pansy plainly said, standing at the foot of the bed with her arms crossed.

"An outright dunderhead," Millicent echoed in agreement.

"Thanks," Theo scratched his shoulder. "I'm glad you're all here to see me, honestly."

"Well, we wanted to be the first faces you see when you wake up." Holly said. "Although, I guess that didn't really work out."

"Imagine having Snape's face be the first thing you see after waking up from a coma," Theo shivered.

"Glad to see he cared," Daphne said sarcastically, sharing a look with Holly who chuckled.

"What happened?" Draco asked once they'd all settled comfortably around Theo's bed.

"I honestly don't remember, " Theo said, leaning back on the headrest. "I mean, I remember going up to the corridor but I don't remember going inside." He shook his head, wincing as he felt a throbbing pain at the back of his eyes. "Everything after that was blank, I don't remember going in the charms corridor or getting attacked. But I remember feeling like someone hit the back of my head, and then I woke up here."

"What were you even doing in the forbidden corridor in the first place?" Millicent asked.

Theo opened his mouth to answer, but he came up with none. "I don't know. I don't remember."


Theo got released from the hospital three days later, after Madam Pomfrey had signed off on his release and he's up and walking again. Although the others were warned that even though Theo's wounds were mostly gone, he might still experience some other side effects.

But that didn't stop them from throwing a welcome back party for him Friday night; complete with enchanted glowing banners, plates of sweets and biscuits, and all the flavoured drinks they could think of. Party planning was practically running in their blood, and it showed.

The boys helped Theo down to the girls' dorms where they'd set up, because Daphne outright refused to even go near the boys' possibly ferret infested dormitory.

Once they'd downed down a whole barrel of orange juice, they laid down on the large rung that the girls had placed in the centre of the dorm.

"I really don't remember what happened," Theo tells them as they lounged on the floor, he took another stick of kebab and took a big bite of the fruit.

"A memory charm perhaps?" Speculated Blaise who was leaning against the frame of Holly's bed. "I've seen my mother do it countless times on the muggle maid."

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