23 - 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐

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Holly held tightly onto her rapier, looking around their hiding spot as he tried to ignore Annabeth sitting next to her, trying to pretend like she didn't see her wipe a tear.

Holly slumped against the rock, closing her eyes for a moment as she started to feel lightheaded. But when she did so, a voice spoke into her ear calling her name.

It sounded far away, calling her name over and over again. Holly. Holly Black. And for some reason, it sounded so familiar.

She opened her eyes, "You three stay here." She got up, holding tightly onto her rapier and stepping around the rock.

"Where are you going?" Percy grabbed Holly's hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Recon? I'll be right back," She shrugged off his arm and disappeared before Percy could run after her.

And the second she did, she was in another world. She didn't even hear Annabeth calling after her or Grover's scream, she just kept on walking until the soles of her shoes wore out.

And when she blinked, she was standing in front of a tall house. It stood in a row of houses, in a familiar muggle street made of white concrete and word out dark wood.

Holly walked up to the house, up the steps and through the door and suddenly, she was looking at the structure through a different lens. A part of her knew she'd seen the house before, but something was different. Something was off.

All at once, the screaming began. They were so loud that they rattled Holly's skull, and she fell to the ground and curled up into a ball as dread filled her system.

Even before she could think of crying, tears were already running down her cheeks. If she could, she would just melt into the floor in despair.

But before she could, a pair of cold arms wrapped around her and pulled her up. Holly pried her eyes open, around her was the familiar hallway she had seen before. At the end of it, instead of the dining room she was familiar with, there was a bright glowing light.

The voice returned, calling her and urging her to take one step forward. And another. And another.

Holly pushed open the rickety door, and behind it was a prison cell. Tall metal bards, no windows, no light. The only light was from the hallway in which Holly came from, basking the room in light.

Suddenly, she was sober and Holly could notice the figure sitting in the corner. The person looked up and Holly found that it was a man, a familiar looking man with a long mop of black curls. His face was pale and gaunt, and he was shaking to the bone.

Holly looked at him closely, stepping forward and grasping the metal bars. "Who- who...are you?" Even though she felt like she already knew him, had already seen him.

The man got to his knees, grabbing onto the walls and trying to pull himself up but it looked like it hurt him just to move.

He crawled over so painfully slow, by the time he was even halfway near Holly, she heard a screech somewhere over her head.

She knew. The Furies were here. They came in through the door, large bat wings filling up the whole space.

"No!" Holly shouted, pressing herself against the bars as the Furies came into the room, all three of them.

"The lord of the underworld requires your presence, halfblood." The Fury in the middle hissed, the ones on either side began to cage Holly in.

Holly panted, fixing her stance and holding her rapier.

The Fury in the middle continued, "You do not belong here, girl." Her whip unfurled, blazing with fire that heated Holly's skin.

Holly was about ready to bolt now, but before she could, the Fury to her left clamped their claws around her arm. By instinct she swiped her rapier up the Furies wings which made the Fury wail in agony.

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