24 - 𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖔 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖇𝖞𝖊𝖘

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Percy and Annabeth returned with a bowl of food after being informed that Holly was awake. They explained that Grover was off to face the Council of Cloven Elders for the hearing.

"I hope he gets it," Holly says. "He deserves it after everything."

"He does," Annabeth agreed and then they all fell silent before she asked, "What now?"

They look at each other and sigh, Holly shrugs and says, "Heading back to England, I suppose. The term starts in two months," and then she asks "How about you?"

"I don't know if I want to stay at camp or go home," Percy shrugs. "But my mom is back and safe and I'm glad but I don't know if I want this life for her. To be in constant danger just to protect me..."

Holly places a hand on his shoulder and says, "Maybe she's tougher than you think."

"She sure is if she managed to deal with you for the past twelve years," Annabeth adds which made them laugh.

But then, once their laughter began to die down, Annabeth cleared her throat. She looked at Percy and said, "We should tell her."

"Tell me what?" Holly asks.

Percy looked away, hating to be the one to tell her but it's better before she hears from the others as he gathers his courage. Gods, this was harder than battling Ares, "It's about...Luke."

Will Solace refused to clear her, even for the Fourth of July party on the beach so she had to watch the fireworks from the balcony of the Big House with Chiron and Mr. D. Grover came up just before the light show ended to say his goodbyes, apparently the Council did approve his licence and he wanted to get a head start on his search for Pan.

Holly didn't want to let him go, to lose another friend. But some part of her knew that wasn't goodbye, it wasn't the last time they'll see each other. So when she let go of Grover, she didn't feel a hollow pain. She felt happy for her friend.

On the last day of camp, everyone was saying their goodbyes. Holly sat in her bed in their cabin, looking at a picture of them; Her, Annabeth, Luke and Thalia.

It felt like only yesterday did they find the photobooth in the mall they had snuck in and taken that picture, they all looked happy. Content.

She wondered when it started, when Luke betrayed them. Was it only a few days before they started their quest? Or was it years before that, maybe even before they reached Camp.

Holly knew Luke resented the Gods, but she didn't think...

"Holly?" Silena called, opening the cabin door and peeking her head in. "Argus is going to leave in ten minutes, you don't want to miss your plane."

"Right," Holly muttered as she got up. Lugging her things along, she followed after Silena up to Half Blood Hill where the rest of the campers were waiting.

Those who were heading for the airport were already waiting in Argus' van, Percy jogged up to them as Holly was hugging Annabeth and Silena goodbye.

"See you next summer, okay?" Annabeth said, patting Holly's back.

"Ugh, I hate not having phones." Silena complained, huffing as she did so. And then she smiled, "Iris Message me when you can please, you know I'll miss you guys."

"I will," Holly promised and hugged them once more. As Silena loaded her luggages into the back of the van, Holly turned to Annabeth and hugged her again. "Don't worry Annie, if you ever need help, I'm just a call or a letter away."

"Thanks, but...I think I'll be fine." Annabeth smiled genuinely, glancing at her family waiting for her by their little chrysler minivan. "The same goes for you too, you know where to find me."

She hands over a piece of paper, Holly unfolded it and reads Annabeth's address. That would be helpful when she needs to send letters, American post really is tricky

As Annabeth stepped back, Percy finally stepped forward. He had his hands in his pockets, fearing of making a fool of himself on their final day.

"Um...safe travels, Holly." He mutters shyly, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.

Gods, Holly will miss that so much. She remembered when she first realised it, in the cramped lavatory of the Amtrak Train. And for the first time that summer, Holly realised she'll miss him too.

"Decided on anything yet?" Holly asked, tilting her head. "Are you heading home?"

"Well, I've talked to my mom and..." Percy shrugged. "We'll see."

He wanted to ask if he could call her over the year, he'll definitely miss camp of course and everyone in it, not just Holly. But since he and Annabeth had already fixed a system, there was only Holly left.

They stood there awkwardly as the people around them said their goodbyes, and finally, Holly extended her arms around. "Come on, give me a hug."

Percy chuckled and wrapped his arms around Holly as she wrapped hers around his waist, he patted her head.

"I'll see you next summer?" Holly muttered into his shirt.

"See you next summer," Percy nodded.

And then they separated, Holly got into the cramped van and waved their final goodbyes before Argus drove out onto the streets.

Holly looked over her shoulder, back at Camp Half Blood. The hills were quickly disappearing off into the distance, but a part of her would always stay at Camp Half Blood.

authors note: we've finally reached the end of The Lightning Thief!!! It was super difficult writing action packed scenes with the Camp Half Blood Quatro (I can't think of another name pls forgive me T_T) but boy I cannot wait for their character arcs. Also do you guys have any name suggestion for the CHB Quartet?

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