12 - 𝕸𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓

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When the chatters seized and Hogwarts settled into deep slumber, Holly pulled a robe over her night dress and crept out of the common room.

The halls were quiet, almost making her wince every time she heard the loudness of her breathing.

Whenever she hears even the smallest sound, she stops and checks the corner. It was late, but not late enough for Filch or Mrs Norris to rest. They're probably patrolling the corridors at this very moment, Holly can't even risk a simple wand lighting spell.

She navigated in complete darkness, thankful for the few dim torches.

She arrived at the forbidden corridor without a hitch, no Filch or Mrs Norris in sight.

After checking behind her for the fifth time, Holly finally turned to the dark hallway.

The charms corridor had no light at all, like a dark endless hallway.

It might be foolish of her, but a dim light is better than tripping on her own foot and waking up the whole of hogwarts.

She decided to risk it.

"Lumos," Holly whispered. The tip of her wand glowed a dim warm yellow, the sudden light made the back of her eyes sting but she quickly adjusted.

She squinted down the corridor, then held her wand up before proceeding.

Down the end of the corridor stood a lone wooden door, the same door from her dreams.

The thought of what lay behind that door made her feel like a beetle was crawling up her throat, but she gulped a possible panic attack before grabbing onto the handles.

When Holly tried to push it in, a lock rattled making her huff in annoyance. She glanced behind her before pulling her wand out.

She didn't even have a chance to mutter the spell before there was a voice behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

Holly froze, her whole body went rigid like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over her.

Of course Filch had to catch her, just her luck.

But when she turned around, there was no one there. And come to think of it, she was sure Filch didn't sound like an adolescent boy.

"Who's there?" Holly asked, regaining some sort of confidence after her rather embarrassing momentary lapse.

For a second she thought the voice had gone, then a head popped up from thin air.

Slowly unravelling himself, a boy with jet black hair and green eyes stood before her.

Holly felt her heart skip a beat as she faced him, she could've never imagined seeing him. But she also couldn't help but notice something different, his face was usually so calm and soft. But the one facing her had a frown on his face, a tensed muscle on their forehead as they looked at her. Not at all how she imagined it.

It took her another second to realise that the boy was not, in fact the one from her dreams. No, this boy was from her waking nightmare.

A pair of round crooked glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, Harry quickly pushed it up before folding the fabric in his arms.

Holly shook herself out of her daze before turning her attention to the bundle in his arms, "Is that an invisible cloak?"

"An invisibility cloak," Harry corrected haughtily. "And yes..."

"Those are incredibly rare," Holly whispered. As she looked at the shimmering fabric, she felt a pull towards such a beautiful object. "Can I hold it?"

"No," Harry snapped. He tried to look cool as he hid the cloak away, then he turned back to her and looked her up and down. "You know you're not allowed here, right?"

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