Ritwik , the Casanova

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Hello peeps !! I am sorry for posting lately.  was dealing with some other important personal work . Will try to update frequently . Happy reading folks and please comment and share your thoughts. would love to read them .

There was a room with white walls and a beautiful window which gives the scenary of the beautiful Mumbai . Some noises are coming from a room like " Oh !! Ritwik , you are so good , your kisses make me go crazy for needs.make me come for you handsome. " a woman is sitting on a handsome man who is shirtless and smirking towards that woman who is in her sleeveless bra and panties caressing her curves with his strong long hands and sleeping lavishly on the  king size bed . 

There comes Prince Noon , more than a friend and less than a bro bangs into the room . " Ricky !! What's wrong with you !! Hey you get off him now !! " 

Ritwik  with a bored expression said " Princy !! what 's  wrong with you !! " . Prince groaned and yelled " WE HAVE A MEETING IN 10 MIN YOU FOOL " . Ritwik groaned internally and caress her cheek " Baby doll  !! I need to go to the meeting  !! We  will continue later .ok !!  bye . got to go !! " . That woman gave a unsatisfied look to  ritwik and glared  Prince for disturbing them and moved  towards the washroom with  her clothes. Prince look at Ritwik  angrily whereas ritwik uninterestedly worn his clothes  and got ready for the meeting . That woman  gave a kiss on  ritwik cheek   and said" Bye  baby ! we will continue it later !! ". Ritwik with bored expression said " Bye "  and  later rubs his cheek with napkin and throws into  the dustbin. Prince looks at  him and  asks . 

Prince : What's wrong with your choice of woman dude , like seriously . This woman . 

Ritwik : Dude ! Yesterday when I went into the club, she came towards me without me trying on  her and you know about my libido right . so ... she looks good by the way but it is Like I am literally  done with her. 

Prince : Any way we need to rush for the  meeting , Dad ..um.. Mr . Noon asked us to be in the meeting as this is an important meeting  for the upcoming fashion event. 

Ritwik (with the business tone ) : OK . 

Ritwik and prince reaches the office . 

When ritwik and prince entered the meeting hall , there a beautiful woman seated along with his father. she is tall , in a good shape and have  beautiful eyes but she will be the first woman after his step mother whom he ignore like a piece of s**t. Anusha sharma . his ex girlfriend whom he loved to his death but got betrayal in return . 

Anusha : Hey ricky .. and was about to hug but ritwik backoffs from thr hug and shakes her hand saying "It's ritwik for you as we are business  professionals". 

Anusha  backoff  and sit with a grumpy face . He shakes  his father hand  with emotionless face . 

Prince shakes his hand with anusha and later sanitizes with  dettol muttering " B***h" which makes ritwik chuckle. 

Vijay Noon : So , ladies and gentleman , this time we  are heading to make our market international as our market is  doing brilliant job in india but we need to make an impact all over the world. So , our team is thinking to make some changes with cloth choices and  design choices which  should make an impact and we need to work harder.

Anusha (looking at ritwik ) : Don't worry  uncle , as I am a fashionista along with Noon industries 's model , I will take care of it . 

"Kyun tum kya iss company ko permanently bandh karwana chahati hai ?" a voice came from behind which makes ritwik and prince laugh . 

Vijay : Rakhi !! she is just advicing us . 

Rakhi and  vijay were  school besties and rakhi knew everything about vijay establishing this company , marrying anjali  . Vijay share everything with rakhi as she is his bestie. She is the only one who stood with vijay when anjali left and trusted him . Rakhi loves ritwik alot. rakhi and prince likes to irritate anusha alot.

Rakhi : But who is the hell needs her advice . un ka kaam tho pehle tik se karne  ko bolo . bada ayya  ....which made anusha fume but  gave a fake smile.

Prince internally smiled alot  whereas Ritwik just looked uninterested and asked  Vijay :  ok Mr Noon , I will take your leave and start working on that .since we have a lot of work, I will take your leave . All  disperse to their work whereas prince, ritwik , vijay and rakhi remained in the room .

Vijay was about to hug ritwik but ritwik back off and gives handshake and left the cabin without looking  back whereas vijay laughs bitterly with tears in his eyes .rakhi pats his back  sympatically and left the room.

Prince hugs vijay : Don't worry , ricky will definitely change.

Vijay : I wish he doesnot choose the wrong path and wrong people thinking about past.

Prince  : Don't worry dad , One day a woman will enter into his life ( on the other side of the city, At that moment mishti along with vidhi enter into bus stand checking their stuffs) , she will set  brother right that he himself will  become a family man for her.

Vijay :  I wish so because you two are the only people for whom I am surviving ...

Prince: Bye dad , Had to leave .

Vijay : Take care of yourself and your brother too.

Prince : Yes , I  will .

Vijay looks at the photo of anjali and kisses it saying I miss you anjali . I love you and hugs it to his heart .

Other side :

Mishti : From today ,no from this moment my name is Ahana Kapoor ok.Call me Ahana and my entire look needs to be changed and I need a job in Noon Fashion Industries.

Vidhi : Ok , but why only Noon Fashion Industries.

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