Ahana Resigned ? 🤔

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Vishal : are you sure ? I don't think so .. where is anusha

Kushal : right beside me.

Vishal : ask her to reach the hospital area and update me the latest news quick .

Kushal: But bhai..

Vishal: I think I made it clear..and disconnected the call

Kushal turn towards anusha and conveyed the same to her for which she agreed and moved to the hospital area where the investigation is happening.

In the investigation room

Ahana : here is the proof I want to let you all now what exactly happened that day .

Vidhi can you help me play this over the television and she pointed over the television in the room

Vidhi agreed and removed the chip from the pen structured camera and attached it to the cable .

The screen shows  a person seated infront of ahana clad in black suit over white shirt and he covered his eyes with cooling glasses and a mask which covered the half  part of his face starting from his nose.

Vijay : who is he ? How did the security allowed him into the building ? Why no one suspected when he is clad in that black and looking suspicious until he reach ms kapoor's cabin ?

Commissioner: let us watch the entire video and conclude the scenario Mr noon ..

Vijay nods agreeing to the point whereas ritwik with pointed face  looking at the screen trying to recall whether he had any memory of seeing this particular personality .

Commissioner: ms chopra please proceed and ms Kapoor can you brief the scenario of what he could be talking about..

The video started again with that mysterious person seated and he asking ahana to join his company since her services will not be appreciated by this company.

Commissioner: well !! Ms chopra please pause for a moment ? Miss Kapoor I have a question for you .how is the cam started recording when that person started talking.i believe the cc cams were been switched off right . Hence they didn't record anything .how you got this ?

Ahana : well sir !! When that mysterious person or should I say Khushal taneja apparently cousin of Mr vijay and Mr ritwik noon ( both ritwik and vijay  inhaled deeply listening to the name  ) entered the cabin and started to discuss about the deal I got to know him and  I have researched the history of this company and the companionships and enimities of noons before and there has been an article where Mr Vishal and Mr Khushal had been caught under burglary of company's confidential information and manipulating the company employee for Going against the company operating leaders. Hence they summoned to jail for this. 

Hence I got the picture of him may be trying to manipulate me again for the same.hence I took the pen cam and since his attention is entirely about making me accept his deal , I took this proof of him confessing his intention .

Second point I want to highlight and .. she asked vidhi to bring some papers from inside.

Vidhi agreed and brought some papers ..

Commissioner: what are these ?

Ahana : the designs that Mr Kushal noon thought that he burnt them but since I got to know about his intention of having that designs I diverted his attention and replaced the papers .

Here you go the papers Mr ritwik noon
This made ritwik get shock with ahana explanation even vijay too..

Commissioner: commendable ms Kapoor  well , that's  incredible I believe.  You clearly explained the scenario and you eased our job as well. Now you can clearly understand and pass the notices to Mr Kushal noon since he had been clearly involved and there is a proof as well.

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