Fun with tara 😊

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Ritwik at once drops the bag in shock and turns that girl to his direction . 

Ritwik : what did you said ? tara jay bhanusali ?

Tara gets perplexed with the way ritwik turned her  and look  at ahana with confused face. 

Ahana understand her confusion and kept her hand on his hand and lovingly hold her . 

Ahana: Mr noon !! she is a child . hold her lovingly. she is getting scared of you .

Ritwik then looks at her scared face and calms himself down and lovingly cares her hair making her come towards ritwik . 

Tara went towards him still holding ahana and hugs ritwik by keeping her hands around his neck . 

Ritwik cares her hair and hug her by her waist and ask ahana whether he is doing correct or not. 

ahana with her eyes signals that its great. 

tara : haa !! tara jay bhanusali . I told only my name naa uncle . why you scared me ? do you know me or my father ?

Ritwik : nothing sweetie . wait lemme call him . ahana hold her 

ahana hold tara and both are looking at ritwik with confusion like what actually he is going to do. ritwik calls jay and when it is in the process , ritwik looks over ahana and tara and could able to see their baby faces which held curiousity of what he is actually going to do . He bites his inner cheeks from stopping himself to laugh because  they both looks so adorable . 

What the heck happened to him !!

In the meanwhile the caller attended the call . 

caller : hello !! not in the mood for fun ricky !! my baby is missing . 

Ritwik : tara is with me !! 

jay : What !! and turn over to his wife mahi who is crying  inconsolably.Baby is with ricky and turn towards the call . 

Ricky , where are you ? tell me the details .we are coming. 

Ritwik : there is no hurry . we are at my office. dont rush ,come here. 

Jay : yup !! ricky it might take few hours for us toreach overthere . 

ritwik : no issues J , just come safely. we will look after. 

Jay : we ? 

Ritwik looks at ahana who is talking to tara and listening to her talks with her eyes wide and happy .

Ritwik : me along with my collegue.

Jay : He / she ? (with smirk understanding the scenario)

Ritwik : Better come and check with your damn eyes !! (with scrowl )

Jay ended the call and started his car along with mahi  heading towards Noon's Fashion. 

Ritwik ended the call and came towards ahana and tara who are discussing something god knows what . 

tara : OMG !! I love you somuch . you look like bunny . I  will call you bunny. 

Ahana widen her eyes muttering : Is she  related to Vidhi or did vidhi  got into her. why do I look alike bunny to her  ? 

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