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His heart remained unchanged as the days passed.

Even though they have been separated for ten years, he still loves his boyfriend.

Every day, Bible will go to someplace just to see his lover from a afar. He still couldn't approach Build.

He was afraid that if he went to Build, his heart would break once more. He still don't want to let Build go away. The previous incident continues to haunt Bible.

Even though it's time for him to move on, Build's name remains in his heart. He didn't erase Build's name from his memory.


Today is the day that that Bible has been eagerly awaiting. After several years of furthering his studies in New York, his lover returns to Thailand.

Bible has been at the airport since 7 a.m. today, despite the fact that his flight from New York to Thailand is scheduled to depart at 1 p.m. He don't want to be late. He just couldn't wait to hug and kiss his lover.

All this time, they've only communicated via Line and the blue bird app.

It had been a long time since he had seen his lover with his own eyes. He misses the touch of his lover.

He misses the moan that comes from his lover's mouth during a hot sex.

He was already at the airport a few hours before his lover arrived. He walked around the airport several times. He occasionally sits for a while and eats at the café there. He kept his gaze fixed on the clock in his hand. Excited to meet his lover.


After a few hours...

Bible was already in the passenger arrivals area for the flight from New York to Thailand.

His heart became restless as he waited to see his lover. Many passengers have left and returned home, but his lover is still nowhere to be found.

He then took out his phone and attempted to call his lover.

'The number you have dialed is not in service...'

All that could be heard was the operator responding. He attempted to contact his lover three times but received no response.

He turned his body to go home after no more passengers exited.

"I should go home." Maybe he didn't want to be with me."

He kept walking, not looking back. He had only taken a few steps when he heard the voice he had missed calling him.

"Baiben! I'm home, baby!”

But he didn't turn towards the voice. He remained standing without moving at all.

"Maybe this is just my imagination. Maybe because I miss him too much" he said to himself.

He kept walking away, ignoring the voice that kept calling to him.

He came to a halt again as he realised the voice was getting closer. Then he turned to face the voice.

"Where are you going, Baiben? Why did you even ignore my call and walk away? You don't want to see me again?"

He kept quiet. He was still digesting what was on his mind.

“Baby? This is you?"

"Yes, honey, it's me. It's been 5 years, have you forgotten my handsome face? We often videocall, how could you forget?”

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