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This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. I saw Build wiping his tears secretly. He doesn’t want to create or give a scene anymore on this very special day.

"Build!" We both turned back in the direction of that voice and we saw this cute guy smiling and waving us.

"Hmm. I guess i got to go for now? See you around?" he hugged me then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"What else option i have?" I pouted my lips for showing him that i am very disappointed because he's leaving me, again.

He ran through his direction, smiling sweetly and with excitement. It’s been a week since he saw Jeff because they went to travel to another city for a basketball tournament for the school.

Build Jakapan and Jeff Satur are best friends. Build loves him more than he loves me and i am so jealous of that every time i think of it, but never mind though, i still love him so much as my best friend too.

Build and Jeff are very close to each other, like they are sleeping together, eating together, shower together, and do everything together. Build knew everything about Jeff and Jeff about Build. Except for this little secret that Build is keeping ever since. He shared this secret with me which is the only thing that i know that Jeff didn’t about Build.

Jeff is a campus heartthrob. Everyone idolized him for his passion for basketball and for the pride he is giving to the school while Build is an active member of the Theater Club. This two definitely has different interest and passion however there’s a special aura that connects them to each other.


"Happy birthday, Build!" I raised the blue box in my hand. It is my birthday present to him. I am definite that he’ll love it since it is his favorite anime action figure.

"Thank you! This is heavy huh? What is this?"

"That’s why it calls gift for you to find out." I sarcastically answered. He giggled then slowly ripped the tape on it to open it.

"Wow! Seriously!?" he looked so happy and amazed to see his new collection.

I just nodded and smiled for a response.

On that day, we ate, drink, and get drunk. Just the three of us in his room drinking like there were no tomorrow because we wanna make him the happiest birthday boy in the world that night and i admit that Jeff and i succeed in making him happy until he sat with a serious facial expression.

Out of the dim room, the slow music and the sound from the video game from the PS4, his voice is clearly cracking.

‘’Jeff?’’ Jeff and i stopped from playing.

"Is there any problem Build?"
Tears suddenly rolled on his cheeks.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"Thank you! I really appreciate the time and efforts. You know that you are my only closest friends’ right?" he hugged us. I know that he’s drunk that’s why he’s crying but it’s not just the alcohol, i know he’s sincere.

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