chapter six

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You're sitting on the living room floor of the tiny one-bedroom apartment that Kazutora rented, sewing eyes of the stuffed toys you commissioned.

It's already been three months since you settled in Yokohama. Kazutora applied for a part-time job and now works two jobs every weekday. He leaves at 5:00 a.m. and returns around 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. On weekends, he takes on short-term gigs like serving at events, milk deliveries, food deliveries—any side hustle he can find, he'll take it. He's trying really hard to make this work... for you... and for him.

You, on the other hand, also have a part-time job in the morning and then accept side gigs from a small toy factory near your apartment building. They will give you tons of toys that require eye patching, and you will do it in your spare time while waiting for Kazutora to return home. It's not much, but it's enough to cover some of the day-to-day costs of living together.

It's hard... yes, but at least now, you have a reason to wake up everyday with a smile on your face.

It's already 11:24 in the evening, and you're sewing an eye when the door of the apartment slowly open.

"He's home!" You quickly dropped the toy and ran towards Kazutora, hugging him tightly.

"Welcome home, Tora!"

Kazutora chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "I am home," he said softly, kissing your cheeks. "Are you hungry? I bought takeout," he added, holding up a plastic bag containing your favorite dish.

"Waaah! Katsu curry?" You mentally drool but quickly stop when you realize that the both of you are struggling to make ends meet.

"Oh, wait, isn't this a little pricey? You don't have to buy this. I don't mind eating some cup noodles."

Kazutora smiled and gently flicked your nose. "You've been eating a lot of unhealthy food lately, and besides, I got it on sale."

"Really?" You asked and Kazutora nodded. You then took the plastic bag, only to find one container inside. "Wait, why there's only one? Are you not going to eat? You've been working all day!"

"No, it's fine; the owner of the store treated us dinner to celebrate the increase in sales, so—"

"You ate already?" you muttered, pouting. Kazutora chuckled lightly and patted your head.

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on you while you eat, okay?"

You nodded and stared at him for a while. He seems tired, but still keeps a smile on his face.

"You look tired, Tora... You can sleep first, I'll prepare the futon." You were about to walk away when he held your hand.

"I want to spend time with you... I missed you."

You gently smiled. "Then I'll prepare this, Do you want some water?"

"Yes, please," Kazutora said as he removed his shoes and walked in. You then went to the small kitchen to get him some water.

While waiting, Kazutora sat on the living room floor and began to sew the eye you had left.

"Oi! You're tired. I can handle that."

"No, it's fine. You eat dinner, and I'll finish some of these."

You placed the food on the small table and handed him the water. "I appreciate it. Thank you for everything, Tora." You said, kissing his cheeks. Kazutora blushed and put the glass down before jumping at you, hugging you tightly. You faintly squeal as you both fall to the floor.

"Ahhh! What a wonderful way to end a long day! With you, wrapped in my arms, and kissing you here." He said happily, kissing your forehead.

"And here, " He added, kissing your nose.

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