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"Jae, didn't I tell you that your shoes should go into the cupboard?"

There he was, nagging again.

Though they've dating for almost 5 years, Jaehyun was still unable to get used to his boyfriend's ethereal beauty. Taeyong was wearing a cute pink apron, waving the ladle around while a string of nags escape his pretty lips.

He wanted to kiss them.

"You're simply insufferable, Jeong Jaehyun! Let's see if your Switch is still around the next time you want to play with it!" The older huffs, turning his heels to storm back into the kitchen

Wow. That was so hot.

Taeyong getting angry was the most attractive thing he was lucky enough to witness since the older was well-known for his calm and mature approach towards everything.

A walking Buddha.

As much as he wanted to savour the moment and let his thoughts spiral out of line, Jaehyun puts down his gaming console and pads towards the kitchen where his frustrated kitten was chopping up some potatoes, rambling to himself.

Without warning, he wraps his arms around Taeyong's petite waist with his chin resting on his bony shoulder. "I'm sorry, babe.." Jaehyun whispers, his nose buried in the crook of the older's neck which made his speech sound muffled.

"What got you so distracted that you couldn't listen to me? Don't tell me it was the game."

"No. It was you, hyung."

Taeyong scoffs, the corner of his lips curving upwards in amusement when he feels the younger leave a trail of soft kisses on his jawline. "Right. What a creative excuse to throw me off, sweetheart." He mocks, moving on to chop the radishes. "It's true! You look.. so hot when you're mad, I couldn't concentrate on what you were saying."

Maybe it was the heat of the kitchen.

Maybe it was his boyfriend's random confession.

But the older could feel his cheeks flush, his heart beating to the speed of light. "Shut up." He squeaks, covering his face and turning away. "God, I can't keep up with your duality, babe." Jaehyun chuckles, going in for a quick peck.

"And I can't keep up with your messy habits, dear."

"Way to kill the mood, honey."

"Sorry, but I'm still going to need you to put your shoes away."

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