"Am I Ugly?"

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"How was school, baby?" Taeyong ruffles his six year-old boy's hair, taking his spiderman backpack before putting it in the backseat. "'Twas good appa." Mark hums and doesn't say anything else.

Taeyong expected his little one to be enthusiastic about sharing his activities at school just like every other day, but he remains quiet while looking out the window.

"Is everything alright, buddy?"


As much as he wanted to find out what bothered Mark, he knew that patience was the best way to go about it and his boy would eventually open up to him.

"Hello, darlings!" A deep voice belonging to the master of the Jeong household calls out from the kitchen. Taeyong was embraced by his husband, a quick peck on his lips before hugging little Mark.

Jaehyun feels the child's tensed limbs, frowning slightly. "Is he..okay?" He mouths to the older who shakes his head. "Come on, buddy. I made pasta."

Taeyong leaves the younger to feed Mark while he checks on his toddler Sungchan who was babbling to himself softly in his crib. "Hello, little one! Let's go have some din-din, alright?"

Sungchan nods, letting his appa carry him back to the dining area where Jaehyun in almost done mixing up the baby's porridge. "Hi, Channie." Mark greets his brother solemnly, excusing himself to get ready for bed.

"Mwarkey-hyung sad?" Sungchan pouts.

"Yes baby, I think he's upset about something."

That night, Taeyong was occupied with his work which he had unintentionally brought home due to deadlines. His laptop screen illuminated the dimly lit living room.

Jaehyun had already assured him that he'd be taking care of Sungchan tonight, that way he wouldn't get interrupted.

All was peaceful until he hears little feet patter down the stairs followed by a soft "Appa, a-are you busy..?". Taeyong turns his chair around to face Mark, taking the little boy in his arms.

"Not at all, Markie. Would you like to talk?"

"Yes, please."

He then kisses his son's forehead, rocking him gently to comfort him. "Now tell me what's gotten my baby so worked up."

"Appa, am I..u-ugly?"

The question breaks his heart, especially the way Mark's eyes start to water at those words. "Honey, you're the most beautiful baby boy in the world. Who said that?" He wants to be angry but it wouldn't be any good.

"Someone at school."

"Was it Seungmin again?"

Mark looks hesitant, but nods nonetheless. Taeyong grabs his phone to call his husband. "We have a code purple, babe." He whispers, Jaehyun gasping slightly before ending the call and appearing next to them.

"Who called my baby ugly?!"

"Jae, calm down." Taeyong chuckles, letting his husband spoon them both on the couch. "Your appa is beautiful and I'm handsome. What makes you think you'd be ugly?" Jaehyun nuzzles the boy's cheek.

Mark sniffles, curling himself smaller so that his fathers could coddle him. "People just don't know what they're saying sometimes. But we shouldn't let it get to us, right?" Taeyong smooths the boy's hair while Jaehyun keeps his arms around them.

"We must remember to always be kind to others even if they aren't nice."

"Okay, appa."

"That's my boy." Jaehyun grins at his son, pressing his face with tiny kisses.

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