Cat Ears

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"For the final round we have, Jaehyun and Taeyong!"

There was no surprise among the members who simply cheered for the cameras. Taeyong feels his face burn as his eyes met his boyfriend's, making his way to the front to put on the cat ears.

"Let's go, action!" Haechan booms, a mischievous smirk on his face which he exchanges with Yuta.

The older focuses on Jaehyun, watching him wink. The ears were going berserk and he coud hear the members stifled giggles along with Johnny's almost inaudible 'whipped'.

Taeyong takes a breath in, composing himself. He wasn't about to let Jaehyun win this.

"Now, hold hands." Haechan instructs. "I haven't seen them together by themselves in a long time." Jungwoo supplies which was completely untrue as the both of them were always in some corner of the dorm cuddling or babying each other.

"Yong, you're wearing a really nice tie today."

He almost combusts at how random and cheesy that sounded but the cat ears had still given him away. "Jaehyun.. I-I love.."

"You~" Yuta mocks in a sing-song voice, earning a withered look from Haechan which silences him.

"S-Should we continue t-to..hold h-hands?" The older stutters softly, a whine in his tone. "Yep. Absolutely." Haechan nods with a nonchalant expression.

Taeyong feels his cheeks heat up once more when Jaehyun tightens the grip on their hands. "It's okay." He croons, his dimpled smile on full display. Johnny snorts from the sidelines while Jungwoo coos.

Just as he thought things couldn't get any more intense than this, his boyfriend reaches out to feel his heartbeat. He held his breath, letting out a nervous laugh.

"I think his heart stopped." Haechan snickers along with the others.

"You're w-wearing black today.."

"Yeah, it's even see-through."

Taeyong contains his laughter, his eyes accidentally coming in contact with the pretty brown buds on Jaehyun's chest underneath the thin net material. "I have seen Jaehyunnie's naked torso a billion times." He says nonchalantly, willing the ears to not move.

"Yeah, no shit." Doyoung huffs inaudibly.

"Today was great, wasn't it?"


Jaehyun spoons his boyfriend's petite frame, kissing parts of his face gently. "You were mean to me, Hyunnie." Taeyong says groggily, pouting petulantly like a child. "How was I mean, my love?"

"I don't know. You showed me your smile, Jaetiddies and all. It wasn't fair 'cause your cat ears barely moved."

The younger laughs at the term used for his nipples, his larger hand over the smaller's chest again. "It was adorable, feeling your heart beat so fast for me." He teases, the organ under his palm quickening its' pace.

"No, it wasn't. You didn't even know where my heart was!"

"Isn't it on the right?"

"It's on the left, silly."

Jaehyun smirks, shifting their positions in an instant where he was hovers over Taeyong, arms caging the small body. "Are you making fun of me, babe?" He growls softly, sliding a hand under the older's t-shirt.

"It's not my fault that you suck at biology."

The older squeaks when his boyfriend moves forward and presses their lips together, squeezing the petite waist with one hand to slip his tongue inside. "If only there weren't any cameras, I would've kissed you until those cat ears exploded." Jaehyun huffs, amused by the older's tomato-red cheeks.

Taeyong stares at the younger. "Oh really?" He raises a brow with a little more confidence. "Yeah, and you wouldn't last a minute."

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