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Jaehyun plugs in his earbuds, humming to the familiar tune of his favourite song 'Angel' by NCT 127. True, he hadn't had enough luck in finding love yet, but he could feel it coming.

He believed in its' magic.

He loads his backpack and a few textbooks onto his bicycle basket, getting on swiftly and cycles towards his high school which was about 10 minutes away.

He couldn't help but sing along, a light, airy feeling setting in which lifted his mood. He peddled along the track, hardly paying much attention towards the road in front of him.

"Aish, look at this Jaehyun, forever daydreaming in his own little world." An aunty hisses, smiling fondly as the boy apologizes for almost knocking her pet dog over before cycling away.

"Jaehyun-hyung! Can you get that ball down for us?" A few children circles around him, their puppy eyes too cute to resist. "Fine, but be careful next time." He ruffles one of their hair, climbing effortlessly up the tree and retrieving the plastic ball.

He must've been to preoccupied with his thoughts as he continues to cycle, not noticing the huge obstacle in front of him.

Jaehyun's eyes widen as he skids haphazardly, narrowly missing the tree at the last minute. He heaves a breath, sighing in relief when he checks his beloved bicycle for any scratches or dents, pleased to find none.


His ears perk up at the soft groaning. He gasps, his heart clenching at the sight of his schoolmate, Lee Taeyong on the ground, rubbing his butt sorely.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?!" He panics, crouching over to help him up.

After years of being classmates, since kindergarten to be exact, it was only now Jaehyun got to properly notice how handsome Taeyong had grown up to be.

He looked like an ethereal being that fell straight from heaven itself. Big, chocolate-brown doe-eyes, milky white skin, pink plump lips and a lithe, athletic body.

Taeyong whimpers slightly as he stood up. "Does it hurt anywhere? I'm really sorry! I didn't see you!" Jaehyun apologizes profusely, holding his small hands to inspect the bloody scrapes.

The smaller smiles to himself, heart swelling in silence. What was better than getting knocked over by your long-standing crush? Then again, no one notices or sees him so this was a solid win. He always blended in the background well, never having the courage to converse with any of his classmates.

"I-I'm o-okay, really!" He squeaks, smiling rather brightly for someone who was to be in a lot of pain. "No, you're not okay! You're limping!" Jaehyun sighs in frustration, carrying the boy onto his back.

"J-Jaehyun.. I'm really f-fine.. I can s-still walk.." Taeyong whispers, feeling lightheaded from happiness, but he didn't want to burden the taller either.

"Taeyong, it's the least I can do right now. You're hurt because of me, I have to make sure you're a 100% better."

"B-But what about y-your bike and stuff?"

He mentally face-palmed, hissing at his own stupidity.

He had a bike.

He groans internally, knowing for a fact that he had just made the beauty feel uncomfortable by touching him.

Real smooth, Jeong.

"Let's ride my bike then. I insist." He huffs, letting Taeyong get on. "C-Can I hold y-your waist?" The smaller asks, cheeks tinted with crimson. "Sure. If you're fine with it."

A small jolt of electricity passes through his body at the feeling of slender arms wrapping themselves onto his waist, causing him to grin like a fool.

Come to think of it, Jaehyun may have always had a thing for Taeyong, he just never really proceeded with his feelings in fear that he might scare him off.

Maybe things would be different now.

He might just have a chance after all... to find love.

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