Beach Trip

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Jaehyun had been busy the whole week, leaving little time to spend with his baby. Taeyong was very understanding about it and always reminded the male not to overwork himself.

It was the weekend, meaning that he got two days off. He immediately made plans to take Taeyong out and spend time with him.

His baby was already curled up on the sofa by the time he had gotten home, his hand clutching the remote control while the TV replayed Peppa's collection. Taeyong was dressed up in his peach-patterned onesies, which was an endearing sight.

Jaehyun smiles, taking the remote and turning off the TV before carrying the sleeping little in his arms, going to their bedroom.

"D-Dadda? You awe home!" Taeyong kisses his caretaker's cheek, nuzzling his face into the male's warm body. "Dadda must be sow tiwed." The little sighs, placing small kisses on Jaehyun's cheek as they cuddled.

The younger groaned, feeling his back stiff from sitting all day but seeing Taeyong after his long shift threw his fatigue out the window.

"Baby, since I don't have work tomorrow let's go out?"

"But dadda have to west, issokay if no time to pway with Tae."

Jaehyun felt terrible. "No baby, we're having our Tae and Dadda day tomorrow okay? Just the both of us." He says firmly, kissing the boy's forehead.

The little nodded happily, cuddling his dadda to sleep.

Taeyong looks out the window of the car in excitement. Jaehyun was taking him to his most favourite place on the planet. The beach.

"Baby! Slow down!" Jaehyun pants, running after the hyper-little who was running around. The little giggles, holding his dadda's hand.

A sudden salty breeze blew, Taeyong had to hold the grey bucket-hat on his head to keep it from flying off. He wore one of Jaehyun's oversized t-shirts that reached his knees, and a pair of shark-patterned swimming shorts underneath.

"Can Tae pway with the watew?" He asks, doe-eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Jaehyun softened at the sight of his baby so happy. "Go ahead sweetheart." He patted Taeyong's butt lightly.

Jaehyun made sure to take pictures of the little who looked adorable. "Dadda! Dadda! Look what I found!" He squealed, his hands closed around something.

It was a tiny fish that was black with purple stripes. Taeyong had a small pool of water in his hands for the fish to swim in.

"It's very pretty Tae, do you want to keep it?"

The little pouts, shaking his head. "I can't! Ow his momma and dadda will be vewy sad. Just like how dadda will be sad if some meanie took Tae away."

Jaehyun laughs, picking up the boy in his arms and rubbing their noses together. "No matter where you go, I'll always find you baby." He smiles, letting Taeyong poke his dimples.

"Like Finding Nemo?"

"Finding Tae-mo"

He giggles, kissing his dadda's cheek. The rumbling sound from Taeyong's belly resonates through the air. "Hm, I guess it's time for din-din." Jaehyun chuckles.

"Okay dadda!" The baby cheers, waddling next to him.

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