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"Listen, Tae.. You shouldn't be near me."

"Why not?"

Jaehyun exhales in irritation, staring at the clueless human beside him. "I'm not.. normal. You of all people should know that." He brings his voice to low whisper, eyes piercing into Taeyong's.

The boy was to take this as a warning, but he decided to brush it off instead, his focus on the sweet scent of the latter's breath. "Tae. You're not listening." He points out, tone harsher as he pulled away.

Taeyong sucks in a cheek, locking eyes with Jaehyun. "You should just tell me who you are then. I'll probably leave you alone after that." The older ponders, deciding that it's the best bargain he'd ever get out of him.

It was better this way.

"I'll let you guess." He smirks, enjoying the look of frustration on the human's face. "Fine. A superhero? Like spiderman? No, Batman suits you better." The younger presses his lips into a thin line, dimples popping on either sides of his cheek.

"No, and no. I don't save people from political calamities."

Taeyong laughs, shoving a fry into his mouth, the older finding his chewing adorable. "So, you're not allergic to kryptonite?" "Nope."

The mood intensed when Jaehyun leaned close enough to make the boy's breath hitch. "What if.. I'm not the hero? What if I was the bad guy, the villain?" He hints, swallowing the venom building up in his canines as he accidentally takes a whiff of Taeyong's intoxicating scent.

"You'd be pretty hot, I guess."

"Taeyong. I'm serious."

The human rolls his eyes, grabbing the older by his collar. "I'm serious too, Mr. Fangs." He teases, watching Jaehyun's flustered expression morph into a stoic one. "You knew?" He breathed, unable to hide his disbelief. He was aware that Taeyong was bright, but for him to catch on this soon?

"Yeah. Johnny hinted it while we were at the beach. It makes sense, I guess."

"What does?"

"You being a vamp. You're not close to any humans, your skin is ice cold and hell, those superpowers."

There was silence between them, the pattering of rain on the car's hood buzzing in the background. "I'm sure you're also smart enough to understand the height of danger you are in, even at this very moment?" Jaehyun uttered, paying attention to the slightest changes of the human's body language.

"Jae, I know you won't hurt me. I've known this fact about you for over a week yet I'm indifferent about it."


"Because I trust you, silly. You're my friend, and I accept you just the way you are."

This was becoming a problem.

Jaehyun's dusty brain had to optimize itself to full use around the human. Taeyong was a stubborn nut, his witty comebacks spiralling like a tornado in his mind. It made him agitated, confused and annoyed that the boy was stupid, ignorant of his warnings.

But fuck, the smell of his blood.. sort of made eveything worth it.

The vamp was brought back when he felt a pair of lips on his cheek. "God, I almost got a frostbite." Taeyong mocks, rubbing his lips. "Very funny. Get inside, it's already late." He drums his fingers on the steering wheel, doing his best to calm the non-existent beats in his chest.

"Hm, it is for you too."

"Vamps don't need sleep, Tae."

"Right. My bad."

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