My First

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Jaehyun and Taeyong haven't kissed yet. Each time he sees the older, he think to himself that he had to do it but would ultimately fail each time.

Taeyong has tried to advance before, but Jaehyun was often too shy that he'd somehow mess things up.

Like one time they were having a classic Starbucks date with iced coffees each. The younger had gotten some whipped cream on his upper lip which gives the older an idea.

Taeyong leans forward with the intention of kissing the cream off but Jaehyun malfunctions at some point that he aspirates on his drink, coughing for nearly 15 minutes straight.

Another time when they were chasing each other at a park, Jaehyun loses his balance but Taeyong catches him in a cliché french-dip. The younger malfunctions yet again and bumps his head onto the older's while trying to stand which made both of their foreheads sport a bruise.

It was hopeless, in his case. He didn't mean to act that way as it ultimately gave out false signals that he wasn't ready.

"So, how's things with you?"

Jaehyun nods positively, sipping his tea which Jungwoo had just offered him. "That's good. Lucas and I are planning a short trip to Ukraine for Christmas."

Jungwoo and Lucas had a pretty great backstory of how they'd met each other. The male was a director of a fashion line, stepping foot in Ukraine to collab with a model agency for one of his runways.

One of the models couldn't stop bombarding Jungwoo with cheesy pick-up lines and goofy giggles. Eventually after a few dates and kisses, they were official before getting married a year ago.

"That sounds great, Woo. Yong and I are planning to go to Jeju to visit his parents."

"That's actually pretty cute. You and Yong spending a cozy time there."

The boy couldn't agree more. The older's parents were amazing and he loved spending time with them since he didn't have folks of his own. "Speaking of Yong, have you both kissed yet?"

The next moment was filled with the sound of Jaehyun's panicked shriek at the question. Jungwoo grabs a brown paper bag from under the coffee table, handing it to him.

"Jaehyunnie, calm down." He sighs, watching the boy hyperventilate into the bag. "I'm guessing that's a no, based on your heavy reaction."

Jaehyun whines, earning an affectionate head pet from Jungwoo. "Are you afraid? Or the idea of kissing makes you uncomfortable?" He suggests, trying to help the boy out of his inner conflict.

"It's.. not that. I really do want to kiss him, but.."


"I'm scared that I'd mess up, or that I won't be good enough.. Yong's pretty much my first for everything so.."

He feels stupid for overthinking this but it was an obstacle in his relationship with the man he loved so much. "He might hate the little bit that I have to offer."

Jungwoo tuts, pulling the boy in for a hug. "That's the most ridiculous thing that had came out of you, Jae. Besides the time you were piss-drunk and insisted on riding on a garbage can like a pony during senior year--"

"We don't talk about that!"

The male chuckles lightly. "I mean from a third person's perspective, I can see that Yong's crazy about you in every way. It won't matter to him if you know how to kiss or not, he'd still be head over heels for you until the end."

"Thanks Woo."

After the motivating pep-talk with Jungwoo, Jaehyun was officially ready to pucker up and give his boyfriend a proper smooch for being so patient with him.


The male approaches his boyfriend who was pouting on the bed, donned in his fluffy pompompurin pyjamas. Taeyong smiles, joining him on the soft mattress. "Hm? Is everything okay, babe?"

Jaehyun leans against the older thumb which was stroking his cheek. "Nothing much, I just wanted to give you a present." He squeaks, playing with his fingers.

"A present?"


The younger then crawls onto Taeyong's lap, cupping his cheeks and gazing into those doe-eyes for a moment. He takes a breath, leaning in to press their lips together.

Wow.. It felt amazing, his boyfriend's plush, velvety lips moulding against his own.

"Baby?" Taeyong whispers once they'd pulled away. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He feels the younger's forehead and neck for his temperature. "Is there something wrong?"

Jaehyun swallows, shaking his head. "How.. How was it? The kiss, how was it?" He stutters, feeling his cheeks burn. "It was fantastic, love. But, what brought this on? I thought that maybe you weren't ready."

"I was but.. ughh.."

The younger buries his face into a pillow, whimpering softly. He curls his body closer to his chest, indicating that he was feeling insecure. Taeyong doesn't speak, opting to cuddle the tiny lump that was his boyfriend.

He tries to contain his smile upon hearing the younger's muffled sounds of frustration. "Sweetheart, I know it's a little difficult for you to talk right now but I would love to help you in any way I can."

Jaehyun hums, "I wanna talk. Let's cuddle first and pinky promise that you won't laugh at me."

"I'd never laugh at you, love."

They lay in silence for awhile until the younger was ready. "You know how you're my first relationship? I..I'm not really good at these intimate things so I thought you might not like how inexperienced I am and that I'm not good enough--"

Taeyong's lips silence his ramble. "You're everything I could ever want. Your innocence is alone is one of the reasons why I'm so whipped for you, baby. Also, I like the fact that I'm your first for everything and I promise to make them all memorable."

Jaehyun smiles softly, feeling much more confident to return the kiss now that his worries were thrown out the window. "See? You're a natural, and I love it."

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