Us Three (JohnJaeYong)

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Taeyong's pout deepens as his boyfriends continue to ignore him, their attention on the TV screen where they were having a rather loud battle of MarioKart.

With the three of them being in an official relationship, they always did fun things together. Johnny and Jaehyun had found their mutual interest in gaming while Taeyong was left alone with his Switch, playing Animal Crossing on his own.

"I'd love to play, babe. But there's no winning in that game." Jaehyun had reasoned after the boy had gave him a thorough introduction of his town, getting him to play too.

Today was supposed to be different because the two had promised to spend time with him but here they were, leaving him out once again. Was he not fun or engaging? Doyoung did tell him that his interests would only land him with senior citizens as friends.

Sniffling, he trudges into the bedroom to sulk on his own. Maybe his collection of plushies were willing to cheer him up.

"I'm sad. Jaehyunnie and Johnny forgot I exist. You still love me, right Jaennyang?" He uses a baby voice to control Tyongya towards the dimpled cat. "How about you Johnbear?"

"I love you, Tyongya but Johnbear and I have more fun without you." Taeyong uses a sneering voice for Jaennyang, knocking over the little white rabbit.

Little did he know, his two boyfriends were silently observing the little drama between the dolls. Taeyong was oblivious, caressing Tyongya's little head while tears filled his eyes.

Jaehyun decides that he couldn't hold back anymore and pounces onto the smaller, attacking his flushed face with kisses. "Baby, you have to tell me if that drama gets a happy ending or not." He whines, picking up Jaennyang.

Johnny joins in the cuddle pile, cradling his two favourite boys with his large frame. "Yong, is Tyongya mad at Jaennyang and Johnbear again?" He tuts, kissing the boy's lips.

"I don't know. He's feeling kind of lonely today and they were both being mean."

Johnny tuts softly, pulling the smaller closer to him. "We won't give them any dessert then, is that alright?" It was Jaehyun's turn to whine, burying his face into Taeyong's chest.

"I'm sorry, okay? Jaennyang's sorry too!" He waves the dimpled-cat, pushing it towards Tyongya so that it appeared that they were kissing. "Johnbear too!" The oldest chimes in.

The three of them make up in a mass of giggles and kisses, Johnny going back to the kitchen to get out a tub of peach ice cream along with a packet of sweet potato chips before they settled for a movie night.




It was cheesy, but at least they got to watch it together. Jaennyang, Johnbear and Tyongya were also cuddled close with the covers keeping them warm.

hey:) leto here, i really wanted to try johnjaeyong out so lmk what you guys think! if  i get a positive feedback i might do a oneshot book just for johnjaeyong as soon as this one ends:))

once again, i'm so grateful for the reads and votes! Thank you all ♡

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