Coffee Beans

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"Welcome to Neozone Coffee, what can I get you?"

The man peered at the menu. "A caramel frap, extra whip." He answers. "Alright sir, please have a seat." The barista gestures to a table.

Taeyong didn't dare pull down his mask or remove his hoodie despite the fiery weather outside. He could see a couple of schoolgirls staring at him from a corner of the cafe which makes him unconsciously tuck his stray purple hair back into the cap.

"That dude kinda looks like SM's Taeyong."

"That's not him! He's probably at schedules right now."

He chuckles, listening to the girls bicker. They were partially right that he had schedules planned for the day but he decided to sneak out for some fresh air and a decent shot of caffeine that wasn't from the company's vending machine.

"H-Hi sir.. t-this is the..d-drink you ordered.." a small voice brought the rapper back and he made eye contact with him. The male let out a squeak, his face pink as he tried to place the drink onto the table with shaking hands.

"Jae! How long will you take to serve a damn drink?!" A voice yelled from the counter, startling the poor boy who knocked the glass over, the hot coffee scalding his hand.

"I-I'm so..s-sorry sir!" The barista squeaked, bowing a few times before running off to get a towel. Taeyong watched as the boy got scolded by someone who seemed like the manager.

A few minutes later, the manager walks over with another glass of coffee and a towel to clean up the mess. "I'm terribly sorry for the accident sir, Jae is new here and is a little slow."

The rapper nodded and assured the man that it was fine. "You should check on him, I think he hurt himself." He informs the manager who waves it off. "He'll be fine. Enjoy your coffee sir."

After finishing his coffee, Taeyong paid and left the cafe, turning around the corner and walking down the back lane which would take him back to the company.

He heard soft sniffling sounds and walked towards the source. He found Jae sitting by a curb, his face in his hands as he cried.


The male looked up at the rapper who had immediately found his puppy eyes adorable. His slightly overgrown brown hair tousled over his face like a poodle.

"Are you alright?"

The boy nodded, breaking the eye contact. "I-I'm s-sorry..for the m-mess earlier..sir.." he stutters, wiping away the tears from his face. Taeyong bent down to his level, taking the shaking hands in his to caress the scald mark.

"It's alright pup, everyone makes mistakes. I'm more concerned about you." He sighed. "I'm o-okay sir, this h-happens..a-all the time.." Jae pulls his hands away, his cheeks flushing again.

"You shouldn't work here if they don't treat you right." Taeyong said, stroking the boy's hair. Jae sighs, playing with his fingers.

"Take care okay? I'll see you soon."

With that Taeyong left in a sprint, leaving the smaller boy with a lot more confidence and a little crush.

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