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Have you ever looked at someone and had the strongest urge to kiss them?

Or maybe wrap your arms around them albeit their physique being bigger and tougher than yours?

Jaehyun gulps, staring at the male in question who was smiling brightly at the camera flashes. Taeyong looked like a Greek God with the most desirable face and a perfect body which seemed to have been sculpted by angels.

He thought that after spending years working alongside this man, he'd mature and look back on this as some sort of puppy crush. But it seemed that his feelings have only grown as time went by.

Taeyong was the strongest and bravest person he had ever met, never faltering or shedding a tear when the burden of handling 22 other men were thrown onto his shoulders.

It was no wonder he had an amazing pair of biceps along with a broad muscular back.

Even with his secret infatuation with the older's body, Jaehyun loved Taeyong in all other aspects which included his unwavering sense of generosity and kindness, as well as his calm and wise approach towards all problems.

He'd like to think that Taeyong gave him special treatment too, since he was his favourite baby.

Just like any other day, it was hectic with their ongoing promotions. It was interviews after interviews, fansigns after fansigns. Though they loved their job, 127 would have loved for a decent break that wasn't being filmed by the cameras.

Jaehyun had noticed Taeyong's stress meter spiking enough to radiate around him like an impenetrable force, especially when the fans were constantly pressuring him for updates on his solo activities.

Everyone knew how uptight SM would get whenever he proposed an idea about a new song or his desire to take up acting classes to broaden his horizons. Jaehyun has personally seen the older's excited face lose its spark the moment the board waves off his hard work.

The crestfallen look on his face when he's not allowed to give the world a taste of his remarkable creativity.

"Good job, guys. Take a good rest tonight."

Taeyong pulls 127 into his routinely group hug at the end of each day, giving Jungwoo and Haechan an extra peck on the cheek. Jaehyun pretends to retreat back to his room along with the others and catches a glimpse of the older's weary frame trudge off to his own room.

He decides to take a bath, doing his skincare and hair routine before slipping into a white t-shirt and shorts. He takes a brief glace at his reflection on the mirror and inhales deeply, mustering enough courage to enter Taeyong's room.


He waits, chipping the skin off his fingers anxiously before pressing an ear to the door. There were soft sniffling sounds coming from within which worries the younger. Without another thought, he enters the room.

Papers were strewn on the floor, most of them torn. In the midst of it was Taeyong, laying in a fetal position with his hands over his face. The sight broke the younger's heart as he advances closer.


Taeyong gazes up at him with his teary doe-eyes. Jaehyun swears he wasn't looking at his leader, but a scared child trapped in the body of a 27 year-old man. "J-Jaehyunnie.." His voice was weak, pleading for any sort of comfort from whatever hell he was in.

It doesn't take a beat for Jaehyun to lunge into the older's arms, whispering sweet nothings to calm his pained sobs. He felt like bursting into tears himself, Taeyong's distressed aura wrapping around him too.

"Tell me what's wrong.. please?"

The older holds up one of the papers, "I-It's my new song, Jaehyunnie.. you said you loved it, remember?.. I b-brought it to them today and they.. t-they.. laughed at me.." Taeyong chokes on his words, a fire of pure anger igniting in the younger.

"How dare they, hyung?" His voice raises an octave, only for the older to stroke his arm. "It's.. It's alright.. I knew it was d-dumb anyway. All my ideas are.. I'm too o-out of date."

Taeyong sobs once more. "I'll n-never get to..act, or m-make new songs.. it's all o-over.." Jaehyun hugs him tighter, frowning when he hears the older start to hyperventilate from all the stress.

"Hyung, look at me."

His fingers tilted Taeyong's chin up. "Deep breaths, okay? You're going to be fine, I promise." He whispers, a hand gently rubbing the older's back. "You are worth so much more than they allow you to believe, hyung. There is no way you're going to let them stomp all over you like that, right?"

Taeyong nods, wiping his tears away. "You are Lee Taeyong, a 3rd-gen artist, choreographer, songwriter and many other amazing things." Jaehyun holds his hands, chin quivering. "We'll always be here for you, hyung."

The older cups the younger's cheeks, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. Jaehyun's felt as if he had overdosed on helium and would float away, his entire face flushing beet red. "Since when did you grow up, huh?" He chuckles, pinching his cheek.

They stayed in each other's embrace, long enough for Taeyong to calm down. Jaehyun on the other hand was determined to voice out his feelings, whether it was reciprocated or not didn't matter anymore.

"Hyung, I love you. I always have, and not in a brotherly way because I'd very much like to hold your hand while going on dates and kiss your lips, maybe even share the same bed as you but I'm pretty sure that you're not interested in someone like me so I'd really appreciate it if you'd forget this ever happened."

Jaehyun says all of this in one breath, closing his eyes to take in another. He feels much lighter now that he had let his tongue loose, although a bit of anxiousness bit the back of his mind at the older's unreadable expression. This was probably worse than getting rejected.

"Well, uh.. I'm going to give you some space, so-- mmf!"

Just as he tries to stand up and excuse himself, Taeyong surges forward to pull him close which made their lips collide. Jaehyun rests his legs around the older's petite waist, their bodies pressed together as they savoured the moment.

"I..I love you too, baby."

This was easily the best day of his entire life, hearing his 7-year long crush return his feelings. "I'm so happy right now." He squeaks, burying his face into the older's broad chest to hide his reddened cheeks.

After insisting that he should cellotape the ripped music sheets before filing them neatly, Jaehyun joins Taeyong on his king-sized bed with tokki knight elevating his feet. Their bodies link together naturally, a peaceful silence falling between them.

"Should we go on a date tomorrow?" The older asks, looking mildly excited. "I can't wait to finally spoil you, my love." Jaehyun could practically hear Taeyong's brain whirring away on date ideas he'd often prattle about on pinterest.

"I can't wait." The younger beams as they settled into slumber where happy dreams awaited them. "Me too.." Taeyong sighs, closing his eyes.

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