Chapter 2: The Mistake

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As Y/N and Cass both went to sleep that night they were both holding each other as they smiled into each others eyes.

"I saw you glance over to where you buried the box you know." Cass said as Y/N looked at her.

"I can see what you're getting at. Cass, I'm done fighting, however long I have left in this life, I want to spend it with you and Mitchell." Y/N said as Cass smiled.

"Good choice of words." Cass said as she kissed him before they both went to sleep.

They were woken in the early hours of the morning by the sound of glass smashing, before they could react though, four raiders burst into their room and dragged them outside where Mitchell was being held down by two more raiders.

They looked around as an entire raiding party was surrounding them with torches and guns.

"You may not know me, I don't know you, but I'm sure we're gonna get up to speed real soon pal. Let's start with my name. Hi, I'm Jack, I'm the Boss around here. And you're on my land, yet you still haven't paid me any taxes. Not cool man, not fucking cool. So now, I want you to watch, as I kill your wife, and your son, I am gonna beat the holy fuck, fucking, fuckedy, fuck, out of them both. You see...I own you and these fucking wastes. And there's nothing, nothing, that you can do against me. From now on you will work for us, we will collect from you every week, and if you haven't got enough, we'll kill you. See this? This is Hayley...and she is fucking awesome!" The Boss said as he pulled out a baseball bat with thrusters attached to it as well as Barbed wire. The Boss brought the bat down on Mitchells head, the boy fell to the floor as The Boss continued to beat Mitchells head in with the bat, leaving nothing but a red mush on the floor next to the rest of the boys body.

 The Boss brought the bat down on Mitchells head, the boy fell to the floor as The Boss continued to beat Mitchells head in with the bat, leaving nothing but a red mush on the floor next to the rest of the boys body

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"NO!" Y/N and Cass cried out as The Boss laughed.

He walked up to Cass, with Mitchells blood still dripping from the bat.

"Would you look at that, Hayley is thirsty. Ha ha. She is a Vampire bat!" The Boss joked as he swung the bat around, Mitchells blood landing on Y/N and Cass's face. "What, no laugh? Man you two are a shit audience! Oh well, back to it!"

The Boss brought the bat down on Cass's head, sending her to the floor, he did the same to her as he had to Mitchell.

The Boss brought the bat down on Cass's head, sending her to the floor, he did the same to her as he had to Mitchell

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He beat her skull into much as he laughed.

"You fucking Pussy, I'm just getting started."

When he was finished The Boss walked up to Y/N and chuckled

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When he was finished The Boss walked up to Y/N and chuckled.

"I bet you thought you would grow old together, huh? Not in my fucking world, and this is my world." The Boss said as Y/N looked at him.

"I'm gonna kill you." Y/N said as The Boss smiled.

"What? I'm sorry, I didn't catch that you're gonna have to speak up."

"I'm gonna kill you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow...but I will kill you, all of you. You're all dead already." Y/N growled as The Boss chuckled.

" Y/N growled as The Boss chuckled

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"Burn the house down. Make him watch." The Boss said as the raiders threw their torches into the house and set it on fire.

By the time the sun rose, the raiders had beaten Y/N up and left him, walking off, none of them knowing what they had just unleashed into 'their world'...

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