Chapter 5: The Journey

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The Courier and Nat were camping out in the wastes for the night, they had spent the day walking, continuing their journey towards the common wealth. The raiders from the slave District had lost their trail when they left Colorado and entered Nebraska.

As The Courier was cooking radstag stew, he noticed Nat was shivering, her breath visible in the cold air. The Courier thought for a moment before gabbing Cass' jacket and hat, handing them to Nat.

"Here, these should help keep you warm, and rub your chest to keep warm, your arms will warm themselves up." Six said as Nat looked at him before putting the jacket and hat on.

"Thanks." Nat said as Six went back to cooking the stew.

"So, who's this Piper?" Six asked as Nat looked at him.

"She's my older sister, she's an... investigative journalist." Nat said as Six nodded.

"So the Raiders wanted you to ensure she didn't go investigating them?"

"Something like that. What about you? How come you're heading to the Commonwealth?"

"I'm looking for these people." Six said as he handed Nat the wanted posters.

"Wait, you're trying to bring the raiders down?" Nat asked.

"I'm going to bring the raiders down." Six said as he served the stew to Nat before serving himself a bowl.

"Why? Aside from the reward, you're going to war against an empire of raiders, there must be some other reason." Nat said as Six looked at her for a moment.

"That Jacket, the hat, they used to belong to my wife...the raiders killed her and my son, beat them to death in front of me. So I'm going to kill them all." Six said as Nat looked at him.

"I'm sorry about your family." Nat said as Six nodded.

"Me too kid, me too. Eat up and get some sleep, we've got a walk ahead of us tomorrow, I want to set off early, cover as much ground as possible." Six said as he left walking up to a small overlook to keep watch, he took his helmet off and began eating his stew, putting his helmet back on when he was finished eating. That night, Six kept watch, looking out for any threats, his anti-material rifle at the ready.

The next morning, Six woke Nat up after dismantling their camp and hiding traces of them both.

"Come on kid, let's get going." Six said as Nat stood up.

"What about breakfast?" She asked as Six passed her a box of cereal.

"Only eat a quarter of them." Six said as Nat began following him and eating the cereals.

"How far are we from the Commonwealth?" Nat asked.

"About 22 days, give or take, it depends on how much ground we cover." Six said as they kept walking.

They walked for 50 miles without much of an incident, stopping every now and then for bathroom breaks while the other kept guard nearby. They walked until they saw a checkpoint set up further down the road, Six used the scope on his rifle to check it out.

"Raiders, looks like seven of them." Six said as Nat looked at him.

"What do we do?" Nat asked as Six began loading his rifle with different ammunition.

"I'm going to take them out." Six said as he judged the range and adjusted his scope and aim accordingly. Before Nat could ask any questions, Six fired the shot, the bullet flew through the air hit it's target, exploding on impact with the raiders torso, the explosion killing another two raiders, by the time the shot landed, Six had rechambered another and fired, this time the shot killed the rest of the remaining raiders. Six looked to Nat before gesturing for her to follow him, he loaded his normal anti material rounds back into the gun and slung it over his back as he walked down to the check point, when they arrived he found the raiders dead, pieces of them scattered all over the place. He picked up a small handmade rifle along with some ammo for it. Nat watched him approach, he handed her the small rifle and taught her the basics.

The Courier [Male Courier Reader x Piper Wright]Where stories live. Discover now