The Other Side

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Randy lit a joint and inhaled the relaxing smoke, staring at a page of a gossip magazine. The raven haired beauty intensely started back through the page, flipping off the paparazzi with a pissed off look on her face. He immediately recognized Vinny's old shirt, smiling to himself. Shirt thief.

She already had two of his shirts.

The "article" attacked her for sneaking out to meet with a secret lover and implying that she should be behind bars. Randy easily flicked the lighter, setting the fake news on fire and tossing the magazine into the pool.

Ramee opened the screen door, joining him on the wooden deck. There was a certain glint in his eyes as if he was on a mission. The Vulture sent a questionable look at the burning paper and Randy simply shrugged, obviously not wanting to discuss it.

"Tommy is out of the hospital." Ramee sent him a bored look, patiently waiting for a reaction.

Randy simply nodded, knowing Ramee's pot stirring agenda, and inhaled the smoke once again.

"He's back with Lana," Ramee continued, reaching for a joint. Randy's eyes darted to him and he curiously raised a brow.


Randy watched the raindrops make long streaks down the kitchen window of Maldini's. Despite the chilly and wet weather outside, it was warm and cozy inside the restaurant from the pizza oven. The smell of fresh tomato sauce created a mouth watering aroma in the small kitchen.

A bowl of pasta that Vinny placed in front of him an hour ago remained cold and untouched. The older man grabbed a handful of flour and tossed it on the counter before he rolled out the dough in a perfect circle.

"Will you stop moping around?" Vinny asked as he rolled out another ball of dough.

"I'm not moping." Randy tapped his finger on the counter.

"Yeah, okay. You ruined a whole order of goods and now you are destroying my restaurant." Vinny nodded his head toward smashed dishes in the back of the room. "Just go talk to her."

Earlier in the day, Randy made his way down to the shooting range in the tunnels and opened up a crate of pistols and ammo, taking out his frustrations on the sturdy cutouts with targets. Vinny found him surrounded by dozens of empty shells and multiple destroyed targets before dragging him to Maldini's.

"I don't think she wants to. She is pissed, my brudda."

Loud thunder rumbled through the windows of the small restaurant.

"What did you think? Of course she is pissed." Vinny kept his head down as he focused on spreading the pizza sauce on the perfectly round dough. His East coast accent made itself known as he repeatedly tried to prove his point to the stubborn British man. "She's pissed because you just disappeared. You left her. She tried to attack me yesterday. You gotta talk to her, she's sending herself down a spiral."

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