The Talk

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Ray parked her car in front of the building with a large "MDM Records" sign

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Ray parked her car in front of the building with a large "MDM Records" sign. The building was conveniently located across the street from the Mandem block, so it was easy to find.

Ray walked into the building and was met by Tommy, who sat on top of the receptionist's desk.  He scrolled through his phone as he waited for her. As soon as he saw Ray, he hopped off the desk and smiled. His pearly smile made Ray's cheeks heat up.

"What do you think?" He asked, opening his arms to show that he was proud of his hard work.

"Wow! This is amazing, Tommy!" Ray exclaimed, looking around the waiting room. "Your very own studio. Can I get a tour?"

"It's not very big, but I can show you around," he said and extended his arm towards the door to show the way. "Right through this door."

Compared to the dark and classic theme of Wu-Chang Records, Mandem Records was sleek and modern with white marble floors with abstract designs on the walls. The walls were covered in flat screens with Mandem recording artists' music videos playing on repeat.

The place was high-tech, fun and intriguing but it was different— cold. It didn't have the welcoming atmosphere of Wu-Chang that brought warmth and comfort. It didn't have the familiarity that wrapped itself around her and made her feel at home. Instead, it felt hostile and cautious.

Ray caught herself comparing. The buildings, of course.

But the buildings could not be compared. One was unlike the other. One was like home, while the other was just a few day vacation.

"That's it," Tommy said as he finished showing Ray around, ending their tour in the recording studio.

"Look at all the achievements," Ray pointed out the framed awards hanging on the back wall. She smiled and touched the certified diamond record award with 'Tommy T'- Tommy Tate and Wiked engraved in cursive letters. "This is yours."

"It is," he answered and stepped closer to Ray to look at the award.

She felt his presence behind her, intoxicating her, making her forget why she was there. His confidence sent shivers down her back, and her stomach tightened. The smell of his cologne started to tease her again, making her head spin.

Ray backed away and sat on the couch to calm down and get some space since she was here for a reason. Tommy softly sighed and sat in a chair across from her, inspecting her closely.

"Is this what the meeting was about today?" Ray asked, trying to decrease the tension between them and finding a neutral ground.

"Yes, sorting out logistics and making sure there are no bad feelings between the labels since CG and Mandem are finally on good terms again," he explained, trying to hint about the alliance between their gangs.

Ray felt Tommy's gaze linger, her eyes darted away from him as she suddenly became interested in the awards again. His gaze felt too strong and heavy, and a slight blush crept up her cheeks. He cleared his throat and relaxed into his chair.

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