A Night to Remember

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He was like a ghost

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He was like a ghost. His presence was everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen. His clothes were on the floor. His scent was in the air. His hand gun, ammo and medical kits laid on the counter as if he emptied his pockets when he walked through the door.

It felt like some sick, twisted joke.

Ray felt tears building up and she quickly wiped her eyes before they had a chance to spill. She had to be strong. She grabbed the small baggie of gems and his gun from the counter as she dashed out of his apartment toward the black NSX. The cubby was empty as everyone was getting ready for the big event.

She had a long day ahead of her and she was running late.


Ray's head pounded from the few days of drinking as she walked into Ramee's mansion in the hills but nothing that a couple of painkillers couldn't take care of. The large house was busy as it was filled with dozens of people, most of whom she never met. Some of the workers carried boxes of clothes and jewelry, while others had large bouquets of flowers that created a sweet scent in the air— reminding Ray of a certain woman that she tried to push away into the back of her mind.

Ray caught sight of sleepy Novah that laid on the white plush couch, scrolling through her phone. A black perfectly ironed suit was laid out next to her. Ray sent her a knowing look as she probably wanted to be anywhere but the busy mansion.

A middle aged woman dressed in all pink organized rows of makeup on multiple vanities, making Ray wince at her cheery personality. An elderly woman with a tight bun and a nervous look sorted through the velvet boxes, picking out jewelry sets for the dresses that were carefully hung on metal racks. There was a chef and a bartender in the kitchen, happily chatting with CJ.

"April went all out," Mari's voice came from behind her, startling Ray.

Mari joined the sweet blonde at the counter and ordered a drink.

"It appears so," Ray agreed as she eyed the young assistants steaming the expensive dresses. They blushed and giggled when Ramee stepped out of his room, looking sharply dressed in a black suit with a red tie to match his date.

"Oh thank fuck you're here. I don't know what to do anymore. She's been freaking out all morning," he spoke and the staff quieted down to listen to the latest gossip of the famous couple.

"Who?" Ray asked, watching Ramee nervously pull out a case of joints.

She had seen him on edge and stressed out before, but this was different. The usually put together Warlord, who sometimes had a short fuse, looked pale with dark circles under his eyes.

"April." He lit a joint, not caring that he was inside the house. He gestured toward the room with the smoking joint in his hand. "She's been in that tub for hours now."

"Is she crying?" Ray worriedly looked at the door, listening for any signs of her emotional friend.

"The opposite. She has a blank look on her face and won't come out of the cold water." Ramee took a hit of the joint as his face slightly relaxed.

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