12 ✽ Duties

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Eun-bi had never once received education on how to read or write proposals, manage finances or an academy. While she could delegate the roles to others, she ought to learn the basics so that she would not put herself, or her husband, to shame.

Despite her motivation to learn, it blew her mind away with how complicated everything was. The terms in the documents were far too difficult to comprehend and the numbers in the seemingly endless pages sent her mind spiralling downhill. Several times, she almost pulled her hair out of her roots.

Fortunately, the King assigned a few ministers and officials to provide her with their help. However, when he wasn't present, most of their expressions changed from hospitable to disdain.

They narrowed their gazes at her, as if she was a sore to their eyes. While they obliged to her requests, rather reluctantly at that, it was apparent that they weren't supportive of her idea.

Their sideway stares annoyed her.

She straightened her back. "Ministers, your eyes must hurt from reading your documents the entire day. Shall I call the royal physician to brew some tonics for your health?" she asked with an innocent smile. "Or shall I brew it instead?"

They reacted immediately; some pretended to hide behind a cough while the rest averted their gazes. "N-no, Your Highness. We appreciate your kindness."

"Is that so? What a shame. I promise to use the best herbs you can find in the market! It has been a long time since I last stepped into the kitchen—oh. This reminds me I don't know how to cook, but I can certainly figure it out!"

However, her impish grin only made them retreat with anxiety, their eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"W-we are feeling exceptionally well today, Your Highness. You do not have to worry about us."

As they rushed out of the room, Eun-bi snickered at their backs.

The only person who treated her with genuine sincerity is the Minister of Taxation—the King's right-hand man. When Eun-bi arrived at his office for advice on the allocation of budgets, tea and snacks were already prepared to welcome her. His warm reception definitely raised his score by several points.

With the face of a wise, friendly old man, the folds around his eyes crinkled into a smile.

"Congratulations on your marriage, Crown Princess."

"Thank you. You sound thrilled," she teased. "I must have been such a delightful subject during your tea sessions with the King."

Minister Park broke into a rueful smile, pushing the plate of snacks in her way as if he was offering peacemaking. "I apologise for partaking in the act to fool you, but I was curious. The younger generations are interesting to watch."

She reached out for a biscuit and munched on it. "So, between the King and you, who won the bet? I reckon one of you must have thought I would fail his challenge."

He placed his chin on top of his hands and shut his eyes. "I bet against you," he answered regretfully. "However, you have sparked an interest in the King ever since your first meeting. He was highly confident in you succeeding at the Selection, which you did."

Eun-bi snorted out loud. "I'm sorry, but not sorry that you lost your money."

In fact, she hoped he lost a lot.

How dare he believe she would fail?

Whatever expression she was making had Minister Park burst out in laughter. "I apologise, Your Highness. I realise how wrong I was. In return, I will assist you in the construction of your academy to the best of my abilities."

Forever It's You (It's You Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now