22 ✽ A Team

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Everyone knew Yul to be cold, untouchable and distant, but now, he was following Eun-bi's bidding; doing whatever she wanted him to.

She sat him on the edge of her bed before grabbing the medicinal box that was stowed away in one of her cabinets.

"It doesn't hurt at all," he said. "It's true."

Eun-bi gave him a doubtful side-eye. Was he afraid of showing pain? Or did he not wish to trouble her?

Whichever it was, she didn't care. "Stay still and let me treat you."

She hoisted his bruised foot onto her lap suddenly, throwing him off balance, and his back hit her bed. He stared up at the ceiling, stunned at her display of strength as she pulled off his black boot and sock to reveal his bare feet. There was a small red bruise but fortunately, it didn't seem that bad.

Eun-bi glared at her own hands and feet, silently berating them for not listening to her well. If her own mother knew she had hurt the Crown Prince, Eun-bi would be in so much trouble.

She could be disowned or get beaten to death by a broomstick. Or perhaps, stoned to death by her mother's favourite shoes.

Maybe next time, she ought to look at whose foot it was before she actually attacked them.

Yul watched quietly as she shook her head and began her ministration, applying a medicinal salve on his sore foot before bandaging with a cloth. "Is this better? I apply this medicine whenever I get bruises from climbing. It works wonders."

Nodding once, he continued staring at her with a tender expression in his eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Is this face of mine so charming that you can't look away?"

Even though she was teasing him, he made a small hum of agreement. His lips parted slightly in an exhale, his gaze full of warmth. "This feels different. It's pleasant to be taken care of by someone this... attentively."

She immediately understood the meaning behind his words. While the palace servants tended to his needs every day, they did it because it was their job.

It was different for her. She did it voluntarily and out of love. She did it because they were family.

Her grin stretched from ear to ear. "You better get used to it then, Your Highness."

That earned her a smile that she loved to see, one that made her happy instantly. He propped himself on his elbows and attempted to sit up, but when Eun-bi pulled up his other foot onto her lap, he was flung back onto the bedding again.

This time, he emitted a groan. "What are you doing?"

She pulled off his other boot and tossed it all the way to the other side of the room. "Helping you to lose your shoes," she said mischievously. "Now, you're staying for the entire night and telling me about your plan. How are we catching these criminals? How many of them are there?"

His brows pulled together into a frown. "Before we discuss that, we need to start from the beginning." Hesitation trickled into his tone. "It's something you won't enjoy hearing."

"Oh?" She raised a brow, her curiosity heightened. "How bad is it? Like bad bad? Or heinously bad that we would need a shovel to bury a body?"

Despite her playful tone, Yul didn't share the same enthusiasm as she did. This was when she knew there was a serious matter on hand.

She plopped back onto the bed, knowing she was due for a long story. "I will sit still and listen to you."

He offered her a small apologetic smile. "I'll keep it short for you."

He swung his legs off her lap and sat up. Eun-bi crossed her legs and tucked them under her thighs, listening attentively as he began to share about his family's history.

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