28 ✽ In His Arms

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After bidding Accountant Cha's mother goodbye, leaving the same way that Eun-bi came in was a lot more difficult than she thought.

As soon as she reached the moon gate adjoining the main courtesan house, the same insane woman from earlier was waiting for her. Her hands placed on her hips, determined to catch Eun-bi, who had infiltrated their courtesans' sleeping quarters.

Recognition lit her eyes when she caught sight of her. "I found you, you little mice!" She waved over the guards angrily. "Seize her!"

"Damn!" Eun-bi groaned. "Can't you show some mercy, old woman?"

The woman spluttered in disbelief, now red in the face. "Old?!"

They exchanged profanities. Eun-bi charged across the courtyard amid the performance, darting through bewildered patrons and courtesans. Startled yells and squeals unfolded, trays of wine and food flipped to the side. Poor Jin-hee looked around in confusion, mumbling if she should run or hide.

As the madwoman screamed and chased after Eun-bi, some drunkards began cheering loudly for her successful escapade.

"Run, run, run!"

This was getting ridiculous.

A laugh spilled from Eun-bi's lips. She bolted through the main exit gate and onto the road, her thighs burning in exhaustion, but adrenaline continued to pump her veins. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed the woman and at least five of her men chasing after her.

The distance between them narrowed. Hands reached out for her, but missed her sleeves by mere inches.

Eun-bi's laughter caught in her throat, replaced by a sense of trepidation.

In the past, her luck was pretty good. Whenever she got into trouble, she would somehow evade getting caught.

But maybe not this time.

Just as that thought crossed her mind, hooves thundered from behind.

An arm slipped around her waist. She squeaked when she got picked off the road and onto a saddle. Her back slammed against someone's chest, feeling arms circle around her waist. As the horse charged forward, her hands instinctively clutched onto the reins for dear life.

Soon, the cries of their pursuers faded into a distance.

Relief swept through Eun-bi just as a small laughter bubbled in her throat at the absurdity of everything. She got saved once more. It was a miracle.

She glanced down and immediately recognised the creature she was on. "Bo-mi?! What are you doing here?"

The voice that spoke in her right ear was all too familiar. "You left us behind."

Even before he spoke, she already knew who it was from his scent. Even the way he breathed was easily recognisable.

"No, I didn't leave you both! I was out on an investigation."

Disappointment imbued in Yul's tone. "In a courtesan house? You should not have entered."

Oh no. This wasn't the way she wanted him to find out she had been in there.

Turning her head jerkily like a creaking door, she gulped nervously. "H-how angry are you?"

He did not bat an eyelid. "Very."

"I swear I didn't go in alone! Your guards were with me. And Lady Jin-hee too!"

It was true she hadn't gone alone, but she could sense that he still wasn't happy with her answer. "There are dozens of drunk men in there," he said furiously. "It still wasn't safe. You weren't safe."

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