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"I'll be right back, Anie. Make no noise and keep an eye on Snooze." 

A pink-haired girl spoke up, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt, shorts, white socks, and black slip-ons. Her long pink hair was neatly wrapped in a ponytail, and a tiny bag was slung over her back.

Her younger sister, 'Anie,' also known as Anya, saluted her. "Un!" She replied as she dashed to pick up the sleeping cat, raising its paw in a salute. The cat appeared to be fed up with the humans who look after him. 'I'm just trying to sleep, bro.'

"Good. And remember to do the math tasks I gave you, or else I won't bring you any peanuts-"


"Bye! I love you." With that, the girl exited the orphanage and entered the city, leaving her younger sister standing there, mouth gaping, hands grasping a swinging cat.

"What, no peanuts? But I don't want to learn!" Snooze, irritated, tried to squirm his way down, only for Anya to shake him up and down. "Snooze! Snooze! Let me copy off you! Pleases! I'll give you one of my peanuts!" Snooze, who appeared to be insulted, leapt out her arms and retreated to his seat, nodding off. 


"Bertayaling! Snooze! You bad guy."

And there you have it, Snooze passed out on his comfy and expensive-looking pillow for the remainder of the day, while Anya rattles him, attempting to persuade him to let her read his thoughts for answers.

How is this possible, you may wonder? Simple.

Despite her innocent demeanor, Anya is a telepath with the capacity to read people's minds. Olivia, her older sister. A genius who possesses great intellectual and creative ability, as well as other natural qualities. 

Finally, there's Snooze. An artificial cat created with incredible intelligence. These three are escapees from a hidden organization where they were born.

Subjects 007, 001, and 009 respectively. Rare characters.


Twilight is a member of Westalis' intelligence organization, WISE. Twilight is now entrusted with investigating Donovan Desmond, a world enemy, and must masquerade himself as the psychiatrist and father; Loid Forger, and adopt two children in order to enroll in the elite Eden College and get closer to his target.

That is what has brought him here, in front of this ominous-looking orphanage.

He eventually knocks on the door, letting out a sigh and adjusting his hat, to be answered by a small man who appeared intoxicated and couldn't be bothered to do anything. "You looking to adopt?"

"Indeed." He nodded as he continued to spew out lies. "I heard that your orphanage was looking for candidates. You see my wife and I-" Unfortunately, the inebriated man, who waved his arm dismissively, broke off his bogus narrative that he had worked so hard on.

"Yeah, sure. Take whichever one you want." Loid followed the man inside, his blue eyes scanning the surroundings. Aside from the strange doodles on the wall, everything was actually fairly nice and tidy despite the outside. Due to the fact that none of the youngsters he passed appeared very bright, he frowned.

Putting on his fake smile, he spoke to the man. "Pardon me. If possible, I'd like children who can read and write."

The alcoholic hummed as his mind raced over all the youngsters he thought were clever or a pain in the ass. Pink hair flashed across his hazy head. "Well, in that case..." He pushed open a door to a certain chamber and held it open for Loid to enter. Loid eyes darted around the room before settling on a little pink-haired girl with a cat perched on her head.

"Hey, Anya." When 'Anya' spotted Loid, she moved away from her notepad full of peanut drawings and scribbles and toward the 'orphanage mister.' 

"She's one of the smartest we've got. She don't talk much but she's a good kid." That's what he told Loid, but that's not what Anya heard. 'She's a creepy, disgusting little brat. I'd be thrilled to get her outta my hair.' 

With his thumb, he indicates Loid. "Go on. Say hello." Loid removes his hat and leans down to her level, appearing to be as harmless as possible.

"Er... Pardon me." He glances at her with interest and doubt. 'If I recall, the earliest age students can enter Eden College is six, the oldest being 19. She definitely looks no older than four or five.' 

Of course, he is unaware, but Anya can read his thoughts. She appeals to him in her sweet baby voice, not wanting him to  give up on her. "Six. I'm six!"

Loids raises a brow. 'Six? But she's so small...' Anya then tries to make herself taller without losing a beat when a fantastic thought strikes her. Anya shows Loid her sister's crossword problem, which she typically does when she comes home.

'A crossword puzzle?'  Loid feels it will be difficult for her, so he begins completing the crossword problem in his thoughts, allowing Anya to read them off and complete the crossword in a short amount of time. Anya then hands him the completed crossword puzzle, which amazes him. 

'She completed it? Seriously? Such unbelievable intellect. She should have no problem passing the entrance exam.' Snooze opened one eye, staring at this weird dude who appeared out of nowhere, then at the crossword puzzle, and finally at Anya... Then he returned to sleep soundly on Anya's head. 

Satisfied with her skill, Loid nods. Confirming her as his first child. He turns to the director. "I'll take her!"

The director nods his head, quietly congratulating himself. He turns to face Anya, then back to Loid. "You wanted two children, correct? Anya's sister is the other smart one. She's much older than the others. She seemed to have gone shopping, but she should be returning right-" 

"I'm back!"




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