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Somehow, the Forgers had some good fortune. After the Eden debacle, it was evident that their chances of passing would be slim to none, yet to their surprise and delight, both Anya and Olivia had been accepted.

The three girls waited in expectation as Loid set down the house phone. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a party popper, releasing jubilant glitters in the direction of the girls.

"They got in!" Yor and Anya both squealed with delight.

Olivia sighed with relief as she continued to pet Snooze. 'Thank you, God. Who knows what would happen to this family if we didn't get in?'

Olivia looked on as Loid lifted Anya into the air, a smile on both of their faces. "You did a great job, Anya!"

Loid approached his teenage daughter and pet her on the head, ruffling up her unruly hair that she hadn't bothered to tame.

"You did a great job too, Olivia." Olivia hummed with a small smile, feeling her cheeks warm, she lifted Snooze's torso to hide her flushed face.

"It's whatever."

Anya gazed at her sister, dissatisfied with her response.

She raised an accusing finger at her from her position in her father's arms.

"Via-nee! Tsundere!" Olivia emerged from her trash hiding place, irritated.

"Excuse me!? Did you just call me 'tsudere?'"

Olivia leaped from her position and snatched Anya from Loids arm in an instant. Said man stares down at his now-empty hands.


Meanwhile, Olivia resorted to assaulting Anya's soft cheeks in order to force her to apologize.

"Take it back! He's a tsundere if there ever was one!" She said this while pointing to Loid, who then pointed to himself in confusion. "Eh, me?"

Olivia and Anya's squabble continued for a little time until Franky uninvitedly entered the apartment. He did, however, provide food.


The family was now eating their complimentary supper at the table next to Franky.

"This is all thanks to me stealing the answer sheet." Franky leaned over and spoke to Loid, who turned to silence him.

"You moron! You'll be heard!" Olivia could easily hear what they were saying despite their whispers, but she decided to ignore them so that she could have her supper in peace.

After all, food always tastes better when it is prepared or purchased by someone else.

Yor, who was already drunk, turned to gaze at the boys when she heard the mummers whispering. "Huh? Wha wuz zat?"

Yor's slurred english made Olivia choke up in laughter, but she soon stopped when Yor turned to face her.

Franky glanced at Loid with a sneer at his sober state, and Olivia furrowed her brow.

"Isn't it wonderful, Olivia and Anya?" With their mouths full of food, Olivia and Anya both hummed out a response.

Franky grinned even more, nudging Loid with his shoulder. "Daddy said he will reward you with anything only for today."

Olivia regarded Franky with a disgusted face as Anya's eyes gleamed.

"Don't ever say that again, please. You're a grown ass man." Somehow, Loid flicked her on the forehead when she was across the table. "Language,"

He scowled and then turned to face Franky. "You too! Don't go making them empty promises!" Olivia shook her head and shrugged, not really wanting anything.

On the other hand, Anya was genuinely excited about the agreement. "I want to do something, but I don't want you to buy me anything."

Curious, everyone at the table turned to look at her. Olivia, who was looking at Loid, shrugged before turning to face Anya. "Hm? Which is what? As long as it is feasible, I don't care." Anya brought the group to the television and forced everyone to watch a scene of Bondman saving a princess on her favorite show. She looked at them pointing to the TV

"What I want to do is this." Between Anya and the show, Loid and Olivia alternated their gazes. "What you wanna do? Wait, you mean..."

Anya bounced in her position while nodding. "Mhm. 'Save Anya from the castle' is a game I want to play." Loid jumped in before Olivia could even decide to opt out. "Nope. Not happening." Olivia cast a sidelong glance towards Loid.

'Damn, he quick with it'.

Anya immediately lost her excited smile, and Olivia kicked Loid in the shin. "Ow! wah-" Franky knelt down to Anya's level and mimicked her dejected demeanor.

"How cruel... You jerk! If you don't do this, I'm not going to school!" While rubbing Anya's head, Olivia groaned at the sight of Franky. "Dude, you don't have to speak for her."

Oliva was slightly startled when Franky suddenly perked up, pointing at the show. "Oh, hey. I'm pretty sure that, that's Newston Castle, I believe. I've heard that it was recently remodeled into a theme park for a cartoon, but that's certainly it."

He got out of his position and moved closer to Loid while speaking more softly. "The same gimmicks and traps from the performance are present in it, and you can even rent it out. It wouldn't hurt to have a little fun since the government doesn't have any eyes over there, Loidy Boy."

Still, Loid appeared uneasy. "But..."

Anya was still crying as she sat in Olivia's lap, and Franky gestured to her. "After everything she endured, she was also successful. It doesn't seem fair, right kid, if you can't receive a reward of any kind?"

The only thing Anya could muster was an excessive amount of sniffles. Olivia stared at Yor, who was seated at the table and chugging down on glasses and glasses of wine, while amusingly rolling her eyes at their antics and setting Anya down.

She shook her head as she waited for Loid to respond. Loid gave it some thinking before heaving a dejected sigh. "All right, no problem." Anya, Franky, and even Yor, who had no idea what was happening, all started cheering loudly. Franky halted his jumping and indicated Loid.

"Okay, then! Let's act quickly while the going is good! Allow me to make the castle reservation. Our ride is in your hands!" Loid stared at him in shock. "Wha?! you expect us to go today?"

And he pointed at himself. "And you want me to make this happen?" Franky gave him a deadpan look. "Of course! It's for your daughter!"

At this point, Loid decides against challenging it. He turned to face his oldest daughter, who was napping on the couch.

"What do you want, Via? You deserve a reward as well."

Oliva gave him a quick glance before shrugging. She looked at Anya, then said, "I would want to stay at home, but I'll hold onto this power for the time being until I feel the need to utilize it, doubt Anie will allow me to stay." Loid didn't question her.

Before telling her to get ready, he fluffed her hair. Olivia groaned loudly, resulting in the now awake Snooze to smack her. "Ow! son of a-!"




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