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A child's voice interrupts in just as Yor was going to ask the attractive stranger to be her date. "Papa! I finally know how long I am!" She glances around to see two females, one younger and one older, both with pink hair, but the younger one had green eyes and the elder one had blue, much like the attractive stranger. 

"Who's that?" 

"Another customer." Yor averted her gaze, her hands covering her face in embarrassment, as she was little disappointed in herself. 'He has children. I almost went after someone's husband. I've heard that women have been murdered by wives for such reasons.' Olivia noted that her demeanor had altered in the smallest way. 'I mean, if that happened to me, I'd simply murder them back,' 

Anya had read her mind at that very moment. "Huh?" Yor's sanity was called into doubt as Anya glanced at her. Yor shook her head, shaking the ideas away. 

'No, I can't. Someone will soon figure out that I'm an assassin if I think like this. I need to become more normal.' Anya was taken aback by the revelation. 'A-an assassin!?' 

She cast a glance between Loid and Yor. 'A spy... An assassin...I'm...so excited!' Olivia had been watching Anya's face swing between around ten distinct expressions the entire time. 'What are these lady's thoughts?'

She observes Anya swaying from side to side, embracing herself. "I'm really lonely since I don't have a mama." Olivia and Loid exchanged glances before turning to face Anya. "What brought this on?" Anya continued with a brief glance at Yor. "I long for a mama." Yor looked at Loid. 

"Are you separated from your wife?" The question caught Loid off guard. "Oh, um... I actually lost my wife two years ago, so I'm raising them on my own." Olivia crossed her arms and turned away. She was muttering beneath her breath. "Been doing a poor job, literally starving me. I'm dying of hunger right now." Loid instantly pinched her ears after hearing her remark. "Owie!"

Yor appeared pleased with his reaction. 'So I won't get killed because I invited him to the party!' She gave Loid a nervous glance. "Excuse me..." The three Forgers all turned to face her, making her even more nervous. "Uhm.."


"Pretend to be your boyfriend?" They were now standing outside, leaning against the shop window, with Anya clutching Loid's leg. Yor squirmed slightly and avoided making eye contact with any of them. "Yes, I fibbed to my younger brother that I had a boyfriend. If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping you'd accompany me to this party." Olivia's eyes furrowed at her. Yor, she reasoned, was similar to Loid. Perhaps not a spy, but something else. But still gorgeous. 

Yor stared at them with concern after noticing her gaze. "Um, I assure you that I have no ulterior motives! Of course, I'll appropriately thank you as well." She bowed her head respectfully. "I just...want to alleviate my brother's worry." Olivia felt that. She'd do anything to put Anya and Snooze at ease. She secretly nudged Loid.

Loid and Olivia exchanged glances. "Very well. I accept." Yor stared him in the eyes, relieved. "Really!?" Loid hummed as he nodded. He drew her attention with a raised finger. "But I'd like something in exchange. So you see..."

"During the interview, I'd like you to assume the role of their mother." Yor's eyes blinked. "Their mother?" He nodded and feigned a 'depressed spouse.' "With the future so unclear, my main desire is that my girls get into a decent school. This was also my late wife's wish." Anya and Olivia both lifted their brows at loid.

'Papa's a liar.'


Yor, on the other hand, had fell for his performance and fabricated story. "O-okay, then... If you believe I am qualified for the role." Loid extended his hand. "Thank you. Then let's meet again at Saturday's party." 

She shook his hands gingerly. "Yes!"

Loid took Anya's hand in his and they turned to depart. Waving farewell. Olivia stared into Yor's eyes one final time, and realizing that she was genuine, she offered a small wave and followed Loid and Anya. "When we get home, you're going to make me a big supper."


"Anya wants peanuts."

Yor kept an eye on them as they walked home. "What a lovely family... But I don't think the older one really likes me... I probably shouldn't worry about it too much."


Olivia sighed as she piled junk food into the shopping basket. "We don't need a babysitter. I've been tending to Anya and Snooze for years! We'll be fine on our own." Anya cheerfully nods at Loid. "Mhmm! Via- Nee is rospinsibil [responsible] . Also, stock up on them peanuts!" She gave the order to the Loid who glanced at his junk-filled basket. 

"Sure, sure."


Loid made certain Olivia would be fine on their own, even asking their neighbors to check on them from time to time. "All right, I'm off."

"Good-bye, papa!"

"Bring a milf back with you. Have a good time."

"Eh? Milf again?"

"Don't mind. "


Olivia turned to Anya when Loid had gone. So...what exactly is the lady' secret? Is she a spy too?" Olivia led Anya to the kitchen, where she began preparing their meal. "No! 'An assassin!' It's so exciting!" Olivia sweat dropped. "Only you, Anie, would find that exciting." She ruffled her hair and grinned. "Now help me cook some food."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am!"



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