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Olivia chuckled as she observed Yuri eating the dish grumpily. She found it rather amusing how hard he was striving to detest Loid. After finishing another mouthful, Yuri paused. 

"Oh, right. I actually brought some wine over. Help yourselves, please." Olivia stood up to get some wine glasses for the adults and some grape juice as Loid grabbed the wine in his hands. Loid studied the wine, trying to learn as much as he could about it. 

"How considerate of you." Yuri secretly grinned as he considered his brilliant plan. 'I'll get you drunk and expose you for the filthy villain you are!' Loid placed the drink down and then turned to gaze at Yor.

"None for you tonight, Yor." Yor had a downcast, slightly pouty expression. "I know." As Loid poured the wine into a glass, she cast a wistful glance at it. 'Unfortunately.' 

Yuri stared at the couple and decided that this was the ideal opportunity for an interrogation. "Where did you two first meet?"

Without thinking, Loid responded right away. "At the boutique on 3rd Street." Yor cradled her cheek as she recalled that particular day. "For a man I didn't know to stare at me like that was so unexpected."

Loid stared at Yor and then uncomfortably turned to face Yuri. "Er, well... She was just so beautiful, you know?" Olivia giggles as she slurps her juice excessively while taking a sip. 

"Oh, yeah. Mhmm."

Unconsciously, Loid raised his hand with the intention of flicking her forehead, but decided against it. Olivia smirked in victory. He cleared his face of any embarrassment and returned his attention to Yuri. 

'I'll get Via back later. This subject will probably lead to a slip-up. I need to change it.' He concluded the story with a smile. "We came to the realization that we shared a lot of things after a few dinners." Olivia thought her uncle didn't seem happy at all. 

"When were these dinners? Where? How many times did you go? Which restaurants? How many encounters led to your courtship? What made you decide to marry her?" 

The speed-run of questions that were being tossed around left the Forgers agape and somewhat dazed. Olivia felt a sweat slither down her temple. Kinda terrified of this man.

Yor and Loid were in equal shock as Olivia was when she stared at her uncle and put her drink down.

"Uh, maybe you could relax a little, uncle." She was concerned Yuri had whiplash as his head suddenly snapped toward her.

"Mini Forger!" As he pointed his hand at her, it created a whipping noise. Olivia jumped in her seat and stared anxiously at her uncle. "Yes!?" 

Yuri got up from his chair and moved toward Olivia, who had slumped back into her seat and was firmly grasping both of her shoulders. 

Olivia quickly prayed to whoever was looking out for her at the speed of light. 'Please God, don't let me die.' Yuri stared into his unwanted niece's eyes, daring her to even look at away.

"Tell me, Mini Forger. How do you address sis!?" Olivia glanced briefly at Yor and then at Yuri. "Uhm...Mum. I suppose?" Before letting go, the hold on her shoulders became a little tighter. His breathing grew a touch erratic, and Olivia avoided looking him in the eye. 

"I-I see. Then," While directing his finger at the pair seated behind them, he kept Olivia in his line of sight. "How do the two of them address each other!?" As Olivia struggled to get her uncle's hand off of hers, he shrugged. 

"My dad calls her 'Yor,' uncle." Immediately, Yuri released Olivia's shoulders. "Yor?!'" As Olivia slowly and covertly got up from her seat to find refuge next to Loid, he clutched his head in agony. 'Even I hesitate to use her given name!'

Yuri glanced to his sister in distress, tears stinging the inner corners of his eyes. "S-S-S-Sis, you don't happen to call him 'Loi Loi' or 'Loidy,' do you?" Nudging Loid with her elbow, Olivia snorted. 

She felt a tug at her ear. "Owie." 

Yor paid no attention to their antics and concentrated on Yuri's remark. "Huh? Um..." Without waiting for her to complete, Yuri started downing the entire bottle of booze after assuming the worst. 

"Loidy! God damn it!" Yor swiftly removed the bottle in an effort to calm the man down. "I-I Just... call him Loid!" At this moment, Olivia could not deal. "I'm going to my room, I guess. Uh. later, uncle."


"Kiss right here and now."




Olivia was hiding in the corridor. She had stepped outside her room to grab a snack when she heard Yuri's surprisingly bold command. She glanced at the couple and slapped a palm to her mouth. 

'Yes, oh my god. Do it. Do it. Do it.' She peeked out a bit more and noticed her uncle menacingly looking at the couple. "If you can't, I'm going to city hall to have your marriage license revoked." Her eyes were winded, though she kept silent. 'I just sit back and observe.'

Loid quietly weighed his alternatives in his brain and made a decision in less than a second. "If that's all it takes..." Yor gasped in shock at how quickly Loid caved. "What?!" 

Loid leaned in and gazed into Yor's eyes. She leaned back in turn, her face burning with shyness and embarrassment. "Loid, wait." Loid leaned forward as she leaned back. 

"I'm just going to do what I always do, Yor. Come on." Yor's anxiety increased as he drew nearer. She could see how blue his eyes really were, how gorgeous his complexion was, and how perfect his jawline was. His cologne's aroma invaded her being. Her attention then turned to his lips.

"Wha... Wha...What?!"

Olivia was still hiding in the corridor, fangirling. She was being choked by the energy in the room. She saw Loid lean in to Yor as her heart quickened in anticipation and her cheeks began to flush. She blinked. 'I gotta record this, holy sh*t!' 

She hurriedly but quietly made her way back to her room for the phone, speaking to herself in a low whisper. She held the phone steadily while getting her camera in the right position.

Speaking of position, it appeared that Yor had become dominant toward Loid while drunk during the time it took her to grab her phone. 'Okay, dommy mommy, I see you.' Through the camera on her phone, she observed Loid and Yor getting ready to kiss with their eyes closed, relaxed, and at ease.

'This is it!'

I mean, until Yuri's final form's 'sister complex' took charge, it was it. "Sis, you can't! I won't let you do that in front of me, seeing you kiss another man—!" The moment the kiss was supposed to take place and everyone would have felt content, Yor withdrew in drunken shame. 

Her brother was sent across the room by a hand swing she executed out of embarrassment. "Mother fu- No!" Olivia shouted and knelt down in desperation. She sobbed as she held her phone near to her chest and babbled about how she had been robbed. 

"So close~ Uncle why!?"

Loid looked startled when seeing his daughter he thought had retired to her room. "What- Via?"

"Dad I've been robbed!"

"What are you on about?"



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