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Yeah double update!

Yeah double update!

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The Forgers enter the room with rapid yet cautious feet. As Olivia took her seat, her gaze was drawn to the three interviewers.

She recognized the person who had spoken with them following the zoo incident. 'Henry Henderson.' She shifted her gaze to the other two people in the room; she didn't recognize either of them, but she could tell which one was going to be a problem. 

Olivia took the seat next to Anya that had been provided. It was quiet for a time until the nice-looking man, Walter Evans, broke the air with a genuine smile.

"We'll start by asking the parents a few questions." Olivia turned to her parents, obviously Loid had this in the bag, but Yor...not so much. Hopefully she'd do fine.

His first question was aimed at Loid.

"This is your second wife, I was told. May I inquire as to how you two met?" Loid let out a hum, showing a tiny phony smile at them.

"I met my wife in the tailor shop that handles the uniforms for this school, and I was in awe of her grace. Because of my girls, I've been afraid to explore another relationship since the death of my first wife." 

He halted to gaze at Yor with fake adoring eyes. She blushed nervously and opted to discreetly play with her dress. Walter smiled warmly, as if he believed Loids' narrative. Loid continued after seeing his joyful reaction.

"But the more we talked, the more I realized we were on the same wavelength. She is genuinely nice and adores family. I concluded that she would get along well with my daughters."

Loid finished, and Walter nodded. Walter then turned to look at Yor.

"Ah... How about you, Madam?" Yor panicked briefly but quickly recovered, determined to assist Anya and Olivia in passing the interview.

"L-Loid, on the other hand, is a beautiful person who genuinely cares for his girls. He's also incredibly thoughtful of me." 

She smiled confidently towards the conclusion. Olivia spotted Walter's smile and the other's sneer. "Ah, I'm glad to hear you have such a wonderful family."

More questions came and went until their attention was drawn to Olivia.

"Now, miss young. Can you tell us why you believe you are qualified for a school like Eden?"

Henry's gaze never left her, anticipating her response. Olivia paused for a beat before glancing at the interviewers with bored eyes. "Let's see...I feel...Eden would be the only school that could keep me..? Amused."


Loid appeared to be without his soul. Henry appeared to be the same way. "Would you mind going into more detail?"

Olivia gave a nod. "When you're a genius like me, the world outside my own isn't that interesting. I didn't need to look at my exam results to know I got a perfect score."

Loid blinked.

She smirked and carried on. "But, isn't Eden a school that only accepts the best? So I want to see what Eden considers to be the best and prove to whoever it is that it is not them. It's me."

Henry seems to believe she would do so. Swan glared as Walter nodded hesitantly after her explanation.

Olivia thought the interview was going great. Or at least it was until Murdoch Swan opened his mouth. 

"Why would a lovely lady like you choose to be with a man with baggage?" He gave Olivia a sidelong glance. "Heavy baggage at that."

Olivia's eyes narrowed and darkened. But all she did was stare at him. The elegant housemaster appeared to dislike his remark as well. "That was rather uncouth, Master Swan." 

Olivia scoffed and turned away, muttering under her breath. "Petty @$$hole. A d!ck move is more like it."

Loid turned to face her, a warning look on his face. She lowered her gaze.

Olivia could feel her wrath increasing with each syllable that came out of the man's mouth as the interview progressed.

Murdoch Swan seemed to be on a mission to vent his displeasure on all the families. Yor's 'bad wife skills,' Olivia's 'fowl mouth,' and Yor and Loid's marriage are all mentioned.

But nothing irritated her more than his next remark, and the fact that Loid had been sitting quietly and lovely throughout this entire sexists session.

Olivia knew they weren't a true family, but he could've said something.

"...do you prefer your old mother or your new mother?" The question shocked everyone in the room.

Olivia's eyes darkened to the point that they could be mistaken for black. "Sorry. Don't you think that's a rather unprofessional question?"

She glared at him as she moved closer to Anya. Swan gave her a sly grin. "Certainly not. You will lose points if she does not respond."

Olivia's hold on her rage slipped with each passing second. "For what? This is illogical. You're essentially asking her to choose between someone whose birthed her and known her entire life and someone she's only recently grown to love. You obviously want her to-!"

Olivia's heart sank to her stomach as tears flowed down Anya's cheeks. "Ma...ma?"

Olivia's mind flashed back to her mother, Anya, and herself as she quickly drew Anya into her arms. "Anie..." As Anya's little body shook, the tears continued to fall.


Olivia's grip on her younger sister tightened as she felt her resentment of the man reemerge as he chuckled. 

"I see, I see. So you do prefer your old mother." Yor and Olivia were both up at the same time, evidently upset.

"This is too cruel!" Loid gave her a calm expression.

"Please, Yor, Olivia, calm down."

Olivia's glare was now fixed on her 'father.' "Of course you'd ask us to relax! What's the matter with you?"

Loid locked his gaze on her. "Olivia.."

She returned his challenge with a glare. "How can you be so calm? while this.....this, Thing! Keeps talking out his a$$!?" Henry and Walter tried unsuccessfully to calm them down. "Please, Olivia, mind your language." 

She scoffed. Her rage grew as Loid spoke, and Anya's whimpers hung in the air. "MIND MY LANGUAGE!? Is that what you're concentrating on? ANYA IS CRYING! AND YOU'RE ASKING ME TO MIND MY LANGUAGE!?" The petty man interrupted,

"Oi, if you're going to become upset over something so insignificant, you're not going to last in this school."

Olivia could only see red. "Huh? Insignificant?"



(Lil cliffhanger moment..)

So like I said in the previous chapter, updates on Saturday starting today.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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