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city of stars
just one thing everybody wants

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Everyone has different dreams. 

Some people want to be rich and famous, others might wanna live in a cottage far from other civilizations. There's people who dream of finding their true self, real happiness or simply a life they can live through easily.

There are so many variations within mankind, it's beautiful, truly. 

Where ever you look, you will see something different. Short people, tall people. Some dressed in flowy dresses, others in chains and ripped pants. There they listen to classical music, here noisy EDM songs are well liked. People around you are interested in so many different things.

Never ever will you find someone who is exactly like you. Even if the interests match, there's so much more that makes a human.

Whether you have blond hair, black hair, light skin, dark skin. There's nobody quite like another. Yet all of them are still the same species.

Jisung thought it was fascinating.

He thought the idea of asking everyone the same question and get various answers was mind blowing to him. 

With a notebook and a pen in his hand, he sat on a bench in the nearby park, writing down his thoughts.

It was almost midnight, but he was driven outside by the night sky, which was covered in stars, seeming to leave no space for anything else.

So now he sat here. In the cold, his fingers already freezing off, but he wasn't planning on leaving so soon. 

There was still a lot he had to mention in the lyrics he was writing.

As different as humans might be, there was still something connecting them.

No, it was not that they all came from a womb. And no, it also isn't that all of them are part of the human race. 

It was a desire, some less needed with some than with others, but still there.

They wanted someone.

Someone that stand with them. Whether that be a friend, a lover, a family member, an animal. Just another presence that you could spill your heart to.

Jisung was sure, even those that prefer to be alone don't want to be lonely.

His mind drifted back to his dream. The young man in it, was he Jisung's someone? Or was he just a fictional character his brain made up in his sleep?

He didn't know.

He wished it to be the first though, there was nothing he wanted more at the moment.

If he couldn't achieve his dream of becoming a songwriter, he at least wanted to have someone to go to.

A soulmate, if you phrased it correctly. Someone you're meant to be with, either platonically or romantically. 

Jisung smiled at the thought of this guy sitting beside him, holding his hand and– he shook his head.

Stop it, you don't even know if he's real.

His glanced up into the sky.


Was it something he wanted? Or something he needed?

He would never know until he did, he guessed.

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501 words


city of stars | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now