011 | eleven

328 23 12

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yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

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»Are you okay?«, Seungmin asked, Jisung's desk mate. »You've been grinning like a maniac ever since you entered the classroom.«

Jisung's smile didn't leave when he turned to the slightly younger. »I'm feeling good, don't worry.«

»Yeah, I didn't think you were sad«, Seungmin said, his usual sass evident in his voice.

Normally Jisung would've snorted in slightly offended amusement, but this time he wholeheartedly laughed.

This concerned his desk mate even more. »I thought you didn't like college, how the fuck are you so happy? Should I be seriously concerned?«

Jisung sighed contently. »Have you ever been in love, Seungmin?«

»Oh, I see.« A smug smile formed on the younger's lips as he realized what his friend was getting at. »Someone caught your eye, right?«

The older nodded, resting his chin on his hand. He stared at the ceiling dreamily, pictures of the beautiful stranger filling his inner eye.

»Aww, that's disgusting«, Seungmin cooed, his tone of voice strongly contrasting his words, as he pinched Jisung's chubby cheek. »Who is it? Do I know them?«

»I don't know«, Jisung whispered, being only half present now. 

»Damn, you got it bad.«

The older chuckled. »He works at that super expensive restaurants around twenty minutes away from here.«

Seungmin raised his eyebrow. »Please don't tell me he's one of those forty year old waiters, Jisung.«

The other's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. »No, no, no! Don't worry. He seemed about twenty-two or twenty-three maybe.«

»That's good then. Is he handsome?«


»Have you spoken to him already?«

»No, I just saw him from outside.«

Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows. »You... saw him? And fell in love?«

Jisung sighed. »I know it sounds odd, but hear me out.«

»I'm all ears.« The younger put his hands behind his ears and applied pressure to make them face Jisung directly.

The latter chuckled at his friend's action and started explaining:

»So, recently I had this dream. I was in what seemed like a dark, like really dark, tunnel, running around with no plan. Then suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.«

»That's rather creepy, not gon' lie.«

»Yeah, yeah, whatever. So dream-me walks towards whoever is calling me–«

»Jisung, sweetie, that's how people die.«

Jisung inhaled sharply. »Anyways. So, when I arrived, there was this dude, right? He was emitting light like a fucking lamp post, just better. And guess what–« 

»He killed you.«

»No!« Jisung shook his head. »He was the same guy that's working in the restaurant. And I dreamed of him before I actually saw him.«

Seungmin's eyes widened. »Is that even possible? Are you serious?«

»Seungmin, I'm studying law«, Jisung reminded him. »The first thing we were told is that faking stories is a big no.«

»Fair enough.« Seungmin scratched his neck. »I'm honestly a little stunned. Maybe y'all are soulmates or some shit.«

The older leaned back in his chair, another dreamy smile tugging on his lips. »God, I hope so. I mean, if soulmates exist.«

Before the younger could say anything else, their professor walked in. »Good morning, students. Let's start the lesson.«


When Jisung was lying awake again, he thought about what Seungmin had said before class that morning.

Soulmates. Didn't his grandma say anything about that?

He sighed. His grandma...

Suddenly a thought hit him. His jumped up from his mattress and speed-walked the few steps over to his window. 

He leaned out of it and put his eyes on the night sky.

Stars. Stars everywhere. Just like every other night.

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566 words

this time, i didn't quite manage to make the song lyrics fit with the chapter content, but oh well 😃👍

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