015 | fifteen

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a dance

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Minho and Jisung have been texting for about two weeks now. 

Jisung found out Minho was twenty-two, two years older that the student himself, and dropped out of college because it was too much stress. He had three cats, lived five minutes away from the restaurant, in a small apartment with view on the city and took the job in Clinten because his parents were in the top positions there.

He also told Minho stuff about himself. 

The fact he's studying law, that he used to have a dog, which then died sadly. That he had trouble sleeping at night and that he doesn't really miss home. 

Even though he was extremely fond of the older, and was quite sure he was trustworthy, he didn't tell him about the fact he actually wanted to study music. He just didn't want to worry him with all his personal issues. 

This afternoon they were scheduled to meet up in a park. 

Jisung may or may not have spent half an hour in front of his bathroom mirror, making sure to look good for the waiter. Now he was finally done and ready to go.

The wind softly played with his hair as he walked to his destination, the park was located a little further from the centre of the city. Minho said there were less people there and the view was much better. Jisung trusted his statement.

As he arrived, he was glad this was their meeting spot.

The garden was surrounded by a wall of hedges, a pretty archway leading inside the park. There was flowers and trees everywhere, in combination with the beige gravel paths it was quite nice to look at. Some benches were set up on the sides of the paths, Minho being sat on one of them. 

When he spotted the younger, a smile grew on his face and he waved at him eagerly.

Jisung returned his gesture, except it was a little more subtle, and made his way over. He was greeted with an unexpected hug.

»Oh, sorry, was that too much?«, Minho asked apologetically when he realized Jisung wasn't hugging back.

»No, no, I just didn't see it coming«, the latter quickly denied. Minho nodded, still seeming a bit unsure.

»Uhm« He scratched himself behind his neck, »there's a pond with ducks nearby. I packed bread, so we could, uh, feed them?«

Jisung nodded, that sounded cute. »Lead the way!«

Minho smiled at him and did as told, leading the two of them to the water. 

It was a very small lake, surrounded by different kinds of flowers and a bunch of trees. Fish darted through the foggy green water, two duck families swam their rounds around the pond.

Minho guided Jisung over to a wooden bench underneath a huge tree, close enough to the water to feed the ducks.

»So«, he said, handing the younger some bread from his bag. »Tell me about yourself.«

Jisung rubbed his neck nervously, thinking about what to say. »Well, you already know that I'm in my first year of studying law.«

He tossed some crumbs into the water, the ducks happily devouring them.

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