012 | twelve

330 21 12

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a rush

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Jisung was woken up by his phone ringing.

»Hello?«, he said tiredly, not having checked the caller ID. 

»Don't ›hello‹ me, you dumb fuck, where the hell are you?« Oh, it was Seungmin.

»In bed, why?«, Jisung asked, yawning and putting away his blanket. 

He could hear the younger sigh on the other line. »Class is starting in ten minutes, dipshit.«

The call ended, leaving Jisung confused for a second. His brain was still processing as he stood up and wobbled over to the kitchen to wake himself up with a glass of cold water.

Two chugged down glasses later, he finally got what Seungmin had said over the phone. 

»FUCK!«, he yelled out loud, probably startling some passerby. 

In record speed he ran into the bathroom, washed his face and sprayed some deodorant on him. Quickly brushing his teeth and putting on a random outfit (sweatpants, a green hoodie and tennis socks, perfect for law school), he threw on his shoes and jacket, grabbed his phone and backpack and rushed out the door.

Sprinting down the street he looked at his phone's clock. Class started five minutes ago, if he ran he could make it to college in ten minutes. Maybe he could blame it on... actually, he had nothing to blame it on.

In his hurry he didn't register his entire surroundings and ran into another person.

»Oh shit, sorry«, a somehow familiar voice apologized and helped Jisung off the ground, as he fell on it when they collided. »Are you o– wait, aren't you the one that stood outside Clinten Restaurant a few days ago?«

Jisung, who had been dusting off his jacket until now, looked up; and came face to face with the one and only dream-guy.

His eyes widened, his cheeks reddened. »I-I..«

The stranger stuck out his hand. »Uhm, I'm Minho. I know this might seem weird, but uh... can I get–«

»I-I'm sorry, I gotta go«, Jisung interrupted him, panicking. He turned around and hurried, almost ran, away.

»W-wait, I–«

Jisung drowned out the other's calls, ignoring the fuzziness in his stomach and the way his heart was beating rapidly. 

He didn't imagine his next encounter with this mysterious man to be so embarrassing. He literally fell on the ground! 

More blush dusted his cheeks, this time being of pure shame. 

If they'd met again any other way, maybe he would've had the courage to walk up to him again, but now? Not really, he had never been so embarrassed in his whole life. 

Panting, he finally reached his university.

Dashing through the halls, he thought of an explanation for why he was late. When he slammed the door open, the professor greeted him with a rather judging look, his classmates seemed to be quite amused. 

»Mister Han, this isn't the first time you came barging in rudely, after class has begun«, the prof pointed out, walking over to his desk and opening a thick folder. »I'll have to write you down. Be careful or I might have to talk to the headmaster.«

Jisung inhaled sharply, but nodded and walked up to his seat, his head hanging low.

»Did you sleep in?«, Seungmin whispered to him when he was sat, earning a nod as response.

»I ran into dream-boy on the way here«, Jisung whispered back. 

A grin formed on Seungmin's lips. »Oo~, how come?«

The older blushed. »Ran into him quite literally. I fell on the ground, you hear that? I fell. On the fucking floor.«  

It was clear to see that the younger was having a hard time trying to contain his laughter, so Jisung waved to dismiss the topic and put his attention on the lesson.


Maybe he shouldn't have run off. It was eleven at night and Jisung was having regrets. 

The guy, his name was Minho, Jisung thought to remember, didn't seem to have any problem with Jisung being on the ground, he didn't laugh, didn't judge, just helped him up.

In fact, he seemed to have wanted to make conversation even.

Jisung groaned, when he realized he'd probably made a huge mistake. He could've had the chance to talk to him and cut him off. For college. Law school.

He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, trying to hide himself from his own regretful thoughts.

Perhaps he could try to fix it? But how?

He was lying awake brainstorming for ideas for almost an hour, until it finally hit him: He could just go to the restaurant! 

If he saved up some money afterwards, then maybe the expensive food wouldn't even have too much of an impact of his financial status.

Yes, that's what he was gonna do!

But not today. Today was way too late.

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771 words

chapters are about to get longer (a.k.a longer than 400 words-)

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