020 | twenty

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i don't care if i know
just where i will go

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The issue with Jisung's parents was the following: They were exceptionally good emotional manipulators and they weren't aware of that. This made it harder to knock some sense into them. They would insist that they were in the right, they would insist they just wanted the best for the beloved son, however Jisung was no longer having any of that.

Maybe he copy-pasted Minho's words from two days prior, but at least he finally said something.

»I'm and adult, and this is my life! Why the fuck do you think you can control my future, just because you guys are my parents!?«

»Because you clearly don't know what you'd be getting yourself into, Jisung! You might be an adult, but you're so uneducated on what you need for the future. We're your parents, we know you! We know what's best for you! Why can't you see that?«

»There's nothing to ›see‹ here! You might want the best for me, and I appreciate that, but you don't know what's best for me. If you did, you wouldn't force me to become a lawyer.«

»Now that's just ungrateful–«

»I literally just said I appreciate you wanting the best for me.«

»Do not interrupt me, young man! You will become a lawyer, you will earn money, you will–«

»Earn money? Do you realize how much money I could make if I was a musician? Who said I'd get much money as a lawyer? I might be complete shit at it, get no clients and no money.«

»As a musician it's not guaranteed you'll be rich either.«

»I know. But–, hold on, are you just in for the money now?«

»No, we're looking out for you! Money is a standard for a good life!«

»You know what's also a standard for a good life? Being happy with what you're doing. Hell, that's–«

»Don't start with your happiness shit again. Success brings you happiness.«

»Not if you succeed in stuff you don't wanna do in the first place! And have you forgotten my last grade? What success are you talking about?«

»The success you will have if you just studied harder! We're paying for you to go to this wonderful law school, and you're not showing the slightest big of gratefulness.«

»You know what? Fuck you. I studied weeks for that test, and I felt like shit when I failed it. I didn't touch my music stuff in ages, because I was so busy doing what you want me to do! I did not touch it! I sacrificed the thing that made me happy for you guys! You! You, who have scripted my future since I was a fucking child, without thinking once how incredibly hurtful that is!«

»Look, we want you to be–«

»Forget it. I'm dropping out.«

»Han Jisung, you will not drop out without our permission, do you–«

»Last time I checked, I was an adult. I don't need your permission anymore.«

And then he hung up. 

His phone rang a few times after that, but as he ignored it, it eventually stopped. A long sigh escaped his lips. It was done.

His eyes fell on his producing stuff and it was like a weight fell from his shoulders. The future was his now. Entirely his.

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537 words

i'll double update today, just because i feel like it lol.

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