014 | fourteen

327 24 9

•<><><><><> 💫 <><><><><>

a touch

•<><><><><> 💫 <><><><><>

Jisung left the restaurant approximately two hours after he had entered it, his stomach full.

The cold air hit him, causing his eyes to water a little. He quickly dried them with his sleeve and started his way back home.

He was quite disappointed that he didn't manage to properly talk to Minho, but it didn't really come unexpected. He was shy anyway, so even if  he talked to him, it would result in nothing but stutters and stumbling words.

With a sigh he turned around the corner, but his way was interrupted.


Confused, Jisung turned around, spotting the waiter. The latter was running towards him, still in uniform. He stopped a few feet before the student, resting his hands on his knees in exhaustion. 

Jisung felt blood rushing into his cheeks as the other looked up at him with shiny eyes.

»Can I..«, he paused to take a breath in. »Can I get to know you?«

Jisung's eyes widened, which seemed to set off a panic in Minho. He quickly raised his hands as if to stop something from crashing into him and tried to explain himself:

»I-I-m so sorry, this is sudden, oh god.« He ran his hand through his hair. »U-uh, you see – fuck, how do I explain this – you, uhm, you.. I think I've seen you before, and uhm, in a way that, well – ugh, this is hard – there's this urge to get to know you, I don't know, I can't really explain it.«

He stopped fiddling with his fingers to look at the student, who was blushing like crazy, still processing every word that had been said. He must've been frozen for quite a while, as Minho spoke up again.

»Please say something«, he whispered, sounding almost desperate. 

»I...«, was all Jisung brought out.

Minho's shoulders dropped in disappointment, he sighed, nodded and was about to turn around. Now it was Jisung's turn to panic.

»No, no, wait!« He quickly grabbed the waiter's wrist and turned him back to face him. The latter's eyes widened at the touch, causing the student to blush in embarrassment and let go of him.

»I would, uh, l-love to get to know you«, he stuttered, his mouth dry.

A big smile formed on Minho's lips. »Thank you so much!«

He cleared his throat, embarrassed of his enthusiasm. »I-I mean, I'm glad.«

They stood in awkward silence for a moment, neither quite knowing what to say. 

Jisung was stuck being flustered, but luckily Minho didn't seem to be as shy. »Let's, uhm, start with your name, maybe. You know mine, but I don't know yours.«

»O-oh, right«, Jisung said, still malfunctioning. »Uhm, it's, uh, Jisung.«

»Well,«, Minho smiled, sticking out his hand. »it's a pleasure to meet you, Jisung.«

The student eyed the waiter's gesture, flustered, but took the hand nonetheless. »N-nice to meet you too, Minho.«

The latter chuckled, not letting go of Jisung's hand. Did he forget he was holding it, or, perhaps, did he not want to?

As if reality hit him, he suddenly let it fall, apologizing. »Oh, s-sorry, I didn't–«

»It's fine.« Jisung offered Minho a soft smile, finally getting over his nervousness, which the other gladly returned.

The waiter pulled out his phone and handed it over. »Can I have your number?« 

Jisung nodded, taking the device. Their fingers brushed against each other, setting off tingles within them, leaving their skin to burn in the spots where they touched.

Jisung swallowed at the feeling, typing his number in with shaking hands. »There.«

»Thank you«, Minho said, gifting him another smile. »I'll text you, but I really have to get back now. My shift isn't over yet, sadly.«

He waved subtly and hurried away, back to where the restaurant was.

Jisung waved back dazedly.

He slept more than good that night.

•<><><><><> 💫 <><><><><>

627 words

how cute.

and yes triple update because why tf not

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